Haaga-Helia's new facilities for hospitality education will be built in Tripla
The new functional premises will open in 2026 in Mall of Tripla next to customer flows.
The new premises, which will be named RestoCamp, include a teaching kitchen, restaurant, exhibition and event areas, as well as teaching and working spaces.
Basic functions of hospitality management education will be located on the Pasila campus, but in addition to them, Haaga-Helia has been looking for a well-located space for teaching tourism, culinary and event management.
– I am very pleased that we found modern premises next to companies and "real" customers for our hospitality management education and its functional pedagogy, says Risto Karmavuo, Degree Director and Head of Campus.
Haaga-Helia will be located on the second floor of the Pasila station hall and on the fifth floor of Tripla, which are on the same level of the mall. The premises are next to a hotel, restaurants and cinema.
– We are proud to welcome RestoCamp to Tripla. The tourism, hospitality and event industry is at the core of our operations, as Tripla hosts hotel and leisure operators as well as nearly 70 restaurants and cafés. We want to be a trendsetter in the development of future shopping centers as experience centers, and having hospitality management education under our roof underlines this goal, says Päivi Salonen, CEO of Mall of Tripla.
RestoCamp is a meeting place for current and future experts in the tourism and hospitality sector
An idea competition was held to come up with a name for the new premises. Haaga-Helia's students, staff and alumni proposed more than 160 different names, the best of which were awarded in the same event where the new premises were revealed. Haaga-Helia RestoCamp was chosen as the name of the premises.
– In the name, Resto describes the context of hospitality management education, and Camp can be interpreted as both a common base camp and a small-scale campus, Risto Karmavuo says.
Haaga-Helia's teaching in the tourism, hospitality and event industry will move from the Haaga campus to the Pasila campus on Ratapihantie and to new premises in Mall of Tripla in autumn 2026. Haaga-Helia's sublease agreement on the current Haaga campus expires in February 2027.
Haaga has been the home base of hospitality management education for over 50 years. Haaga-Helia's other campuses are located in Helsinki (in Malmi and Pasila), Porvoo and Vierumäki.
Risto Karmavuo
Tel:+358 294471003risto.karmavuo@haaga-helia.fiImages
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