
Matka Travel Fair 2025: knowledge, networking, and trends for the travel industry in the Nordics


The highly anticipated Matka Travel Fair 2025 programme and exhibitor lineup are live on the event’s website. Taking place at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre 16–19 January 2025, with an exclusive Day for Professionals on Thursday the 16th, the event is designed to inspire business plans for the year ahead. This year’s programme highlights the latest developments shaping the future travel business.

Visitors to the Matka Travel Fair will be captivated by the event’s inspirational layout, designed to resemble a bustling cityscape, with the Finnair Lounge serving as the vibrant central at its heart – an inviting space for relaxation and connection. The programme spans six dedicated stages and zones, each offering fresh perspectives on vacation planning, and highlights a wide array of services to enhance the travel experience. 
Matkatieto seminars for industry professionals 
Matkatieto seminars hosted by the Finnish Travel Industry Association on Thursday and Friday at the Matkatieto Stage at hall 6, offer the following expert insights in English: 
Making the world of travel accessible: the path forward 
Exploring the latest developments in accessible travel, this panel discussion will address current and upcoming regulations and the collaborative efforts of stakeholders to advance accessibility across the travel industry. In cooperation with INCLAVI project. The panellists are Hilal Kahraman, iGA Istanbul Airport, Linda Ristagno, International Air Transport Association (IATA), Emiliano Deferrari, European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT), and Sanna Kalmari, Palmuasema. Thursday 16th of January at 9.30 am 
Managing travel flows – where's the problem?  
Overcrowding, seasonal congestion, and local protests are rising issues in popular destinations. This panel will examine the causes – urban planning, industry practices, or decision-making gaps – and propose solutions to mitigate these challenges.  The panel will be moderated by Frank Oostdam, President of the European Travel Agents’ and Tour Operators’ Association (ECTAA). The panellists are Jukka Punamäki, Senior Advisor, Tourism and destination management unit, City of Helsinki, Vedran Sušić, Director, Croatian National Tourist Board, and Julio Jiménez, Counselor for Tourism Affairs, Embassy of Spain to Finland, Managing Director, Spanish Tourist Office in Helsinki. Thursday 16th of January at 12.15 pm 
The power of data: why business travel reporting is a must 
Effective reporting is critical to uncovering opportunities, overcoming challenges, and driving success. This seminar will explore how robust reporting enhances cost control, risk management, traveller satisfaction, and sustainability. The speaker is Juan Antonio Iglesias, Director of Consulting, EMEA at FCM Consulting. Thursday 16th of January at 15.10 pm 
Light in the Dark – flattening the seasonality curve in coastal nature-based tourism around the Baltic Sea  
The Light in the Dark project brings tourism entrepreneurs and destinations from five coastal regions around the Baltic Sea together to tackle seasonality. A unified concept showcases the area’s quiet charm and authentic offerings for Baltic Sea markets, focusing on unique experience categories. Friday 17th of January at 13.00 pm 
Shaping the future of travel 
Travel habits may evolve gradually, but there is always something new bubbling under the surface. This year, Matka Travel Fair will highlight key trends shaping the industry in 2025: 

  • Sustainable tourism: Growing demand for eco-friendly options and innovative approaches to travel. 

  • Personal passions: Destinations tailored to personal interests, culture, wellness and activities. 

  • The rise of singles tourism: Increasing popularity of hobby-based travel and international group activities facilitated by digital communities. 

  • Intergenerational tourism: Grandparents having quality time together with grandchildren and creating cherished memories. 

  • Local events: Events driving destination choices and influencing travel timing. 

  • Bleisure travel: Business and leisure trips combined, with hotels adapting to this hybrid trend by offering extended stays and versatile facilities. 

  • Simplified choices: Even younger travellers are turning to travel agents to navigate the overwhelming number of options available. 

  • Tech-integrated journeys: Technology continues to enhance every stage of the traveller’s experience. 

Trends in demand and personalised experience 
Travellers are increasingly seeking customised experiences, demonstrating a willingness to invest in tailored offerings. Authentic cultural interactions and well-being-focused activities remain top priorities. Simultaneously, new routes, accommodations, and services are drawing attention both domestically and internationally. 
Register as a Professional: As a travel business professional, you can visit Matka Travel Fair free of charge by registering HERE 
Matka Travel Fair is organised at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre at the same time as the Caravan Fair on 16 – 19 January 2025. The international travel trade event Matka Workshop Day is organized on 15 January 2025 and Matka Trade Day for professionals is on 16 January 2025. | @MatkaTravelFair I #Matkamessut #matka2025     



For more information: Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, Event Communications, Anu-Eveliina Mattila,, +358 50 555 6183.

Messukeskus - Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre 

Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (brand name Messukeskus) hosts Finland’s most inspiring events and exciting encounters. We create successful and lasting interactions with undisputable results. As Finland’s premier experience provider, we organise high-quality events and rent out our facilities for a wide variety of occasions. Events produced by Messukeskus include, among others, Habitare, the Helsinki Book Fair, Educa, Finnbuild, Matka Travel Fair, and Helsinki International Boat Show. Messukeskus also hosts guest events such as Slush, Nordic Business Forum, Assembly, International Dog Fair, as well as many international congresses and business events every year. Our premises include 7 halls, 40 convertible meeting rooms, 21 restaurants, and our own hotel. The Finnish Fair Corporation was founded in 1919. |  

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