CSC – Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy

CSC-led consortium to deliver the EuroHPC Federation Platform


A consortium led by CSC was granted the tender for the delivery and operation of the Federation Platform for the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking, a contract aimed at the seamless federation of the EuroHPC supercomputing and quantum systems and the interconnected data infrastructure.

EuroHPC JU's supercomputers and quantum computers are located in European centers, for example LUMI is located in CSC's Kajaani data center. Each EuroHPC JU’s computer has a different architecture, and each organization has their own way to manage users.  EuroHPC Federation Platform (EFP) can be used to unify the view of different computers and their software portfolio.

This platform provides a unified user experience for all users. The users of the EuroHPC JU environment can log in to different computers with their own home organization identity, the workflows between computers are seamless and the users can see what they are doing in the whole EuroHPC environment under a single sign-on. In a scalable and secure manner, EFP will enable the allocation and management of federated resources including high performance computing, quantum computing and connected data management resources, providing Union-wide services for a wide range of public and industrial users across Europe.

“The federated platform provided by CSC and partners will be built on flexible modular architecture. It will be based on open-source technologies mainly developed in various EU-funded projects. In this case, the project is avoiding risk of vendor lock-in. Many of the technologies developed in the project can also be implemented on LUMI, other EuroHPC JU systems and CSC’s national supercomputers," said Director Pekka Lehtovuori from CSC. The project is guided by a user-centric design and API first approach.

The total budget of the platform delivery is EUR 20 million. The consortium includes CSC, Géant, NORDUnet, University of Tartu, Ghent University and VSB Technical University of Ostrava IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center. The platform delivery will start at the beginning of 2025 and will last for five years.



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CSC is a Finnish center of expertise in ICT that provides world-class services for research, education, culture, public administration and enterprises, to help them thrive and benefit society at large.

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