New research shows that China's sustainability reporting regulations call for more substantive practices and strong enforcement
In 2008 the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) published a mandatory sustainability reporting requirement which obligates selected types of listed companies to disclose sustainability information. However, according to new research this regulation fails to promote sustainable practices and may lead to unintended economic consequences.
In her dissertation, Qinglan Huang examines the economic implications and the effectiveness of this reporting mandate.
“While this regulation aims to promote environmental and social outcomes, I found that it falls short of its goals and leads to unintended consequences for firms and capital markets”, says Huang.
China's sustainability reporting regulation was designed to address environmental and social issues stemming from rapid industrialisation and align with the country’s long-term development goals.
“The sustainability reporting regulation published by SSE has good intentions, but the reporting requirements are at the minimum level compared to globally accepted reporting frameworks, and there is no requirement on assurance,” Huang says. In Huang’s opinion, these raise concerns about the effectiveness of the reporting regulation.
In her research, Huang shows that mandatory sustainability reporting, on the one hand, improves transparency by providing sustainability-related information previously undisclosed, enhancing the information environment and reducing market risks. On the other hand, it increases costs for firms, potentially reducing profitability. Moreover, it does not necessarily drive firms toward sustainable investments or practices.
“My research highlights that sustainability reporting is likely to be more ceremonial than substantive even when mandated. Weak reporting framework and insufficient enforcement make it challenging to drive changes in corporate behaviour toward greater social responsibility,” Huang points out.
According to Huang, her research offers insights for regulators who are considering sustainability reporting mandates, for standard setters establishing related reporting framework, and for companies likely to face upcoming regulations.
More information:
Qinglan Huang
Phone: 040 648 6378
You can read the whole thesis online:
Exploring Mandatory Sustainability Reporting in China: Economic Implications and Regulatory Effectiveness
Qinglan Huang will defend her thesis on 7 January at 12.00 at Hanken School of Economics, Arkadiankatu 22, Helsinki.
The doctoral defence will be held as hybrid. Participants can attend on site or via video conference. Access the video conference via
Opponent: Professor Gunnar Rimmel, Aalborg University Business School
Custos: Associate Professor Hanna Silvola, Hanken School of Economics
Hanken School of Economics is a leading, internationally accredited university with over a hundred years of experience in education and research in economics and business administration. The research is of a high standard and constitutes the foundation of all teaching. Hanken has close ties to the business community and an active alumni network with over 13 000 alumni in 65 countries worldwide.
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