Helsingin kaupunki, kaupunginkanslia

Helsinki City Council celebrates 150th anniversary with year-long tributes to council, democracy and city residents


In 2025, the Helsinki City Council, the city’s highest decision-making body, will celebrate its 150th anniversary. The council first convened in January 1875. Throughout the year, the City of Helsinki will mark the occasion by looking back at the council’s history, organising a jubilee meeting and looking ahead to the future. Helsinki residents are warmly welcome to participate in the associated events and learn more about the council’s history and decision-making process.

Helsinki City Council in 1972.
Helsinki City Council in 1972. Helsinki City Museum

On 1 January 1875, a decree from His Imperial Majesty on municipal government in the city came into force. It stipulated that the decision-making power of the city municipality would be exercised by the entitled municipal members, either at a general meeting or via the elected city councillors. In Helsinki, the election of councillors was held at the 22 December 1874 general meeting. The resulting Helsinki City Council convened for the first time on 12 January 1875.

The first Helsinki City Council elected as the result of universal and equal suffrage took office in 1919. At this time, nine of the 60 councillors elected were women.

Several events have been organised to mark the anniversary year: A look back at the history of the council and the decisions resulting from the council’s representative democracy will kick off the festivities.

“The anniversary year will specifically call attention to the fact that city councillors and other elected officials are part of a long continuum of local democracy in our city. Local democracy has influenced the everyday lives of Helsinki residents for 150 years. Even seemingly minor decisions can have a long-term and wide-ranging impact on societal development,” said Reetta Vanhanen, the current Helsinki City Council Chair.

As it celebrates its past, the Helsinki City Council also seeks to take time to look forward to the future.

”Individual decisions are always a part of the continuum of decisions that came before, as well as being a part of the overarching timeline of the city’s development. When making decisions, it is important to remember that future generations will experience the effects of the decisions we make today. That is why we want to expressly strengthen their opportunities with our jubilee meeting council decision,” Vanhanen added.

Helsinki residents invited to view jubilee meeting

The Helsinki City Council will convene for a jubilee meeting to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the council on 15 January 2025 at 18.00. The meeting is a special occasion, where a first reading will be held on the topics of the future of the council and local democracy. Doctor of Philosophy Kati Katajisto and Urban Strategist Tommi Laitio will give presentations on the history of these topics. A decision associated with the anniversary year is also on the meeting’s agenda. The Sibelius Upper Secondary School’s Chamber Choir will also perform.

Members of the public can tune into a livestream of the jubilee meeting on the city’s Helsinki Channel video service or watch the meeting on site from the council chamber’s public gallery, which can accommodate 100 people.

Before the jubilee meeting begins, coffee and cake will be served in the Helsinki City Hall restaurant to the first 100 people who arrive, starting at 17.00. (Entrance via the street address of Sofiankatu 3).

Anniversary year events focus on the past and the future

Events associated with the Helsinki City Council’s 150th anniversary will continue throughout the year:

  • A jubilee Helsinki City Council meeting on 15 January at 18.00 (livestream on Helsinki Channel)
  • Helsinki City Council will meet to enjoy a gala dinner on 13 February
  • A history-themed lecture series will take place on 13 March 15.00–19.00 in the Event Square of the City Hall Lobby (free admission and livestream on Helsinki Channel)
  • The city’s annual birthday celebration, Helsinki Day, on 12 June will also commemorate the City Council’s 150-year journey
  • Open Doors at the Helsinki City Hall on 13 September will give the public an opportunity to see the nexus of decision-making in the capital
  • A future-themed lecture series will take place on 23 October in the Event Square of the City Hall Lobby (free admission and livestream on Helsinki Channel)

Learn more about the history of the Helsinki City Council and decision-making on the city’s websites

Throughout the coming year, residents of Helsinki can follow the council’s decision-making and learn about its history in many ways. All the associated news and events can be found on the City of Helsinki’s City Council anniversary website at www.hel.fi/valtuusto150.

A series of videos on the history of the Helsinki City Council will be released in phases, available on the city’s Helsinki Channel video service starting in January. The series shines a light on both the council history and the history of Helsinki.

The city’s History Helsinki website at historia.hel.fi contains dozens of articles that explain the history of the city and the council. During 2025, the website will also include articles specifically related to the history of the Helsinki City Council.

All Helsinki City Council meetings will be livestreamed on Helsinki Channel during the anniversary year. Meetings can also be followed on site in the council chamber’s public gallery.

All council and city decisions can be found at the City of Helsinki’s Decisions website at paatokset.hel.fi


Reetta Vanhanen
Helsinki City Council Chair
Tel. 044 570 7857

Antti Peltonen
Administrative Procedure Head
Tel. 09 31036018

Contact for Communications:

Maisa Hopeakunnas
Communications Specialist
Tel. 040 509 64 10

Johanna Snellman
Communications Specialist
Tel. 040 843 09 15




The City Executive Office manages the City of Helsinki’s central administration. Our goal is a city that offers its residents its best and thrives among increasing competition. The City Executive Office seeks to renew Helsinki in line with the City Strategy and in cooperation with the city’s other administrative divisions.

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