St1's third biogas refuelling point for heavy traffic opened in Halikko, Salo Finland
Energy company St1 opened its third liquefied biogas (LBG) refuelling point at the Shell station in Halikko, Salo, Finland, along Highway 1 at the turn of the year. The first two refuelling points are located at the Shell Hämeenlinna Iittala and St1 Mäntsälä P stations. In Sweden, St1 already has an extensive network of compressed biogas (CBG) refuelling stations, and in Norway, the aim is to deploy the first three LBG refuelling points during 2025. St1's target is to provide its heavy-duty transport customers with a network of over 50 liquefied biogas (LBG) refuelling stations across its Nordic home markets by the end of 2028.

During this year, St1’s goal in Finland is to also introduce LBG filling points in Hirvaskangas in Äänekoski, Voutila in Vantaa, Iisalmi and Tupos in Liminka, and another aim is to expand the network nationally in the future. The biogas sold at the St1 and Shell stations will initially come from the Swedish production plants of St1 Biokraft, which is a joint venture of St1. When the new production plants of Suomen Lantakaasu Oy, owned by St1 Biokraft and Valio, are completed in 2026, domestic biogas will also be available for distribution.
Biogas significantly reduces emissions in heavy traffic
Liquefied biogas is a renewable fuel that plays a significant role in the energy transition and the reduction of emissions in transport. Biogas accelerates the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy, in particular, in heavy transport. Its use in heavy-duty transport can reduce emissions by up to 100 per cent – depending on the origin of the biogas. Companies can significantly reduce the emissions of their logistics chains by transitioning to equipment using liquefied biogas.
"Biogas is a fully competitive, renewable alternative to conventional diesel. The expansion of our LBG refuelling network creates the conditions for the rapid adoption of biogas in heavy traffic," says Juha Vanninen, Retail Director at St1.
Aiming for an extensive Nordic biogas distribution network
St1 is investing heavily in expanding the distribution network of liquefied biogas – the objective is to build a Nordic LBG refuelling network of more than 50 stations by the end of 2028.
St1 has emerged as a leading biogas operator in the road transport segment in Sweden, where it already has an extensive biogas refuelling network of approximately 60 compressed biogas refuelling stations. In addition, the first liquefied biogas station was opened in Torsvik, Jönköping, in 2024. In Norway, St1 aims to open the first three liquefied biogas refulling points this year, provided that the permit processes proceed as planned.
"The biogas fleet has been in use for a long time and transport companies are increasingly interested in investing in gas-powered trucks. As the refuelling network expands, the number of heavy vehicles using biogas can increase significantly", says Matti Oksanen, Head of Growth at St1 Biokraft.
"Our customers in the Nordic countries are pleased that we are expanding our distribution network and offering to include liquefied biogas in addition to compressed biogas. Going forward, we will be able to serve our customers on a “one stop shop” basis, with different gas and fuel qualities in our range. As part of our own energy transition, we are also investing in the development of our distribution network in renewable HVO diesel and fuel oil as well as in high-power charging network for electric cars", Juha Vanninen says.
For more information, please contact:
St1, Juha Vanninen, Retail Director
puh. +358 40 845 0221,
St1, Tiia Lemmetti, Communications Manager
puh. +358 40 048 0370,
Tiia LemmettiCommunications ManagerSt1 Nordic Oy
Tel:+358 400 480 370tiia.lemmetti@st1.comImages

St1 Nordic Oy is an energy group whose vision is to be the leading producer and seller of CO2-aware energy. The Group researches and develops economically viable, environmentally more sustainable energy solutions. St1 focuses on fuels marketing activities, oil refining and renewable energy solutions such as waste-based advanced biofuels and industrial wind power. The Group has 1259 St1 and Shell branded retail stations and gas filling points in Finland, Sweden and Norway. Headquartered in Helsinki, St1 employs currently more than 1000 people.
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