Aalto University launches fundraising campaign with aim of raising €30 million as university celebrates 15th anniversary
With the donations, Aalto will be able to respond better to the growing needs of high-quality education, research and innovation activities that support Finland’s overall success and shape a more sustainable future.
In line with its 15th anniversary on 8 January 2025, Aalto University will launch a fundraising campaign with the aim of attracting EUR 30 million in donations and 1,500 donors over two years.
Aalto University has achieved the goals set during its founding phase. The number of annual master's degrees and the number of scientific publications have increased by more than 50 per cent, and 100 new companies are started in the ecosystem around Aalto every year.
"Our fashion students have conquered the world, and we conduct top-notch research in dozens of fields from quantum technology to artificial intelligence, management and biomaterials. The donations collected now will enable Aalto to respond better to the growing need of high-quality education, research and innovation activities – and thus support Finland’s overall success and shape a more sustainable future," President Ilkka Niemelä says.
Donations help future generations
During this millennium, Finland has fallen below its peer countries in the share of young graduates from universities and higher education institutions. This development is cause for concern for Finland's future, as education is the most important factor in increasing innovation potential. To prosper, Finland needs high-quality research, highly educated and international talent, as well as innovations and entrepreneurs.
‘High-quality higher education and research are critical for Finland's competitiveness. Innovations, sustainable development solutions, a renewing business field and creative cooperation in different sectors of society are vital for growth,’ says Sari Baldauf, Chair of Aalto University's Fundraising Campaign Committee, who served as a member of the University Board from 2017 to 2023.
The government funding received by Aalto has decreased in real terms by one-third compared to the situation in 2010 and only accounts for 54 per cent of Aalto's total funding. The rest comes from the European Union, the Academy of Finland and Business Finland, among others. The returns from the university’s endowment funds and donations now cover approximately 10 per cent of the budget.
Donations will be collected for endowment funds to support our operations over the long term, as well as to make funds immediately available for key spearhead research projects, support for current and future students in their studies, and to strengthen our entrepreneurial and innovation activities.
The campaign gets underway with a fun stunt in January
The name of the fundraising campaign ‘A! Sign of Change’ communicates Aalto's broad impact on society and encourages people to build a more hopeful and international Finland together with Aalto.
The campaign will kick off on 7 January with a stunt when the letters ‘A’ of well-known light signs in Helsinki and Espoo will appear with an exclamation mark – as a sign of change – to indicate Aalto’s impact on society. For example, the sign at the main railway station will change to ‘R A! U T A T I E A S E M A’. The signs will be documented in photos and video material for use in the campaign and will remain on display until 13 January. After this, the signs will return to their usual spelling.
The campaign has been carried out together with partners Amos Rex, Kaapelitehdas (the Cable Factory), The Ainoa Shopping Centre, the Central Railway Station, Savoy Restaurant, Suvilahti, Tallberg and Finavia (digital, as nothing can be added to the sign for safety reasons).
For Aalto’s staff and students, the campaign will be launched at the 15th anniversary celebrations on 8 January in Dipoli, where a wide range of research and student projects from the university's 15-year history are also on display.
Laura Aalto
Communications Director, Aalto University
p. +358 40 507 9660
Aalto University is where science and art meet technology and business. We shape a sustainable future by making research breakthroughs in and across our disciplines, sparking the game changers of tomorrow and creating novel solutions to major global challenges. Our community is made up of 13 000 students, 400 professors and close to 4 100 other faculty and staff working on our dynamic campus in Espoo, Greater Helsinki, Finland.
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