Suomen Akatemia

Research Council of Finland decides on profiling funding for Finnish universities


The Research Council of Finland (RCF) has taken decisions on the latest round of PROFI funding, a funding scheme aimed at bolstering the research profiles of Finnish universities. The decisions were made in two stages: 18 December 2024 and 9 January 2025. In total, universities applied for almost 200 million euros in PROFI funding for more than 30 ‘profiling areas’.

In this eighth PROFI round, the RCF granted 100 million euros in funding. The granted sums range from 2.1 million euros to 30.3 million euros (see PDF table). Eight universities secured funding.

The funding to strengthen the research profiles of universities in Finland has been available since 2015. During this period, universities have sharpened their strategic choices and reinforced their research profiles. Many of the profiling measures for which funding was sought have continue the development of selected research areas.

In this latest round, the applications were assessed by an international panel, which also interviewed the applicants. The successful applications were able to clearly describe how the selected profiling areas contribute to the strategic strengths of the university, how they are selected and how they are coordinated and monitored within the university. The interview component also added important value to the review process.

At the RCF, the funding decisions were prepared by two General Subcommittees. Professor Johanna Myllyharju chaired the General Subcommittee that ended its term in 2024, and Professor Kimmo Nuotio chairs the General Subcommittee that begins its term in 2025.

Myllyharju and Nuotio said: “The applications reflected the universities’ strategic reforms and focused on current issues: the selected profiling areas touch on issues such as societal resilience, health, ageing and sustainable energy. In addition, many applications had identified aspects of societal impact. The research conducted in the profiling areas has extensive networks within business, industry, healthcare, schools or public administration.”

Inquiries and more information

  • Table of funding granted, by university (PDF)
  • Learn more about the PROFI funding scheme
  • Professor Johanna Myllyharju, Chair of the RCF Board, Chair of the General Subcommittee, tel. +358 294 485 740, firstname.lastname(at) (until 31 Dec 2024)
  • Professor Kimmo Nuotio, Chair of the RCF Board, Chair of the General Subcommittee, tel. +358 294 122 013, firstname.lastname(at) (as of 1 Jan 2025)
  • Helena Vänskä, Senior Science Adviser, Research Council of Finland, tel. +358 295 335 036, firstname.lastname(at)
  • general inquiries: profi(at)



Research Council of Finland

The Research Council of Finland funds high-quality scientific research, provides expertise in science and science policy, and strengthens the position of science and research in society. We work to contribute to the renewal, diversification and increasing internationalisation of Finnish research. We support and facilitate researcher training and research careers, internationalisation and the utilisation of research results. Our activities cover the full spectrum of scientific disciplines. In 2025, our funding for research amounts to 515 million euros. We are a government agency within the administrative branch of the Finnish Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.

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