Svenska handelshögskolan

Hanken receives funding for research to promote Finland’s comprehensive security


Hanken School of Economics has received over two million euros in funding from the Research Council of Finland to support research that will enhance Finland's comprehensive security, with a particular focus on economic resilience and security of supply.

The COMPASS project (Comprehensive Security with Partnered Supply and Sustainability) unites Hanken researchers from economics, supply chain management, and marketing to facilitate collaborative, cross-disciplinary research. The researchers will focus on the following themes: geopolitics and supply chain resilience, geopolitics and defence supply chains, and the impact of misinformation on societal resilience.

“The importance of comprehensive security has increased substantially in light of various geopolitical shifts and events that impact on society and the economy, urging the need to strengthen security and resilience research. Finland’s accession to NATO opens further research opportunities on related topics. We are grateful to the Research Council of Finland for their support to this crucial research”, Gyöngyi Kovács, dean of research at Hanken, says.

Hanken has strong research units with a long research tradition in areas related to security and resilience. Hanken’s HUMLOG Institute is globally renowned for its research on disasters, crises, and conflicts. It operates as a joint research centre with Finland's National Defence University, and this funding will further strengthen the collaboration. The Helsinki Graduate School of Economics brings together researchers from three universities, Hanken, Aalto University and the University of Helsinki. The centre’s research capabilities are crucial for analysing geopolitical shifts and their economic impacts.

“The COMPASS project integrates these existing high-quality research areas with the emerging area of disinformation and misinformation research”, says Kovács.

Further information:
Gyöngyi Kovács, dean of research, Hanken School of Economics, phone: +358 40 352 1241, email:

More information about the Research Council of Finland’s PROFI funding:
University profiling


Hanken School of Economics is a leading, internationally accredited university with over a hundred years of experience in education and research in economics and business administration. The research is of a high standard and constitutes the foundation of all teaching. Hanken has close ties to the business community and an active alumni network with over 13 000 alumni in 65 countries worldwide. 

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