Helsingin Tapahtumasäätiö

Lux Helsinki culminates on a sunny, frosty day – selected works to remain on display after the event


Lux Helsinki was held this year right after Epiphany and attracted locals and visitors alike in varying weather conditions from 8 to 12 January. Permanent versions of the installations Mirrorowl (Bubo Speculus) II in Neitsytpuisto and Un-Reel Access on Sofiankatu will continue to brighten up the lives of city residents all year round.

Snow transformed Senate Square into a winter wonderland over the weekend. Pictured here is The Wave by the Danish Vertigo collective. Photo: Petri Anttila
Snow transformed Senate Square into a winter wonderland over the weekend. Pictured here is The Wave by the Danish Vertigo collective. Photo: Petri Anttila

The Finnish winter was typically varied, ranging from drizzle to heavy snowstorms and sunshine, as locals and visitors once again headed outdoors to enjoy the light art at Lux Helsinki from 8 to 12 January.

An estimated 300,000 people attended the event over the five days. The highest number of visitors was recorded on the weekend, when the weather was most favourable. As in recent years, the light art was also widely visible on social media.

“We succeeded in offering locals and visitors a positive change. Events like this make people want to live in the city – and not just any city, but in Helsinki especially,” says Stuba Nikula, Manging Director of Helsinki Events, which organises Lux Helsinki.

Light art to become a permanent attraction in Helsinki

Lux Helsinki and the City of Helsinki's Urban Environment Division are starting a collaboration where the City of Helsinki will acquire 1–2 light art installations from Lux Helsinki each year for permanent display in urban spaces.

The permanent versions of the works from this year's Lux Helsinki will be Mirrorowl (Bubo Speculus) II by Jere Suontausta and Un-Reel Access by the British collective Kappa. The location of the works will be confirmed later.

According to Juha Rouhikoski, Artistic Director of Lux Helsinki, an important consideration when selecting the works is that there are also bright seasons in Finland when the lights will not be visible. The works must therefore be eye-catching, also on summer days.

Rouhikoski emphasises that having permanent installations in public spaces marks a major achievement in the field of light art, even internationally.

“A lot of pioneering work in light art has been done in Finland, and now it is bearing fruit. This is news that is worthy of international attention,” says Rouhikoski.

Growing interest around the world

Light art is also attracting growing interest around the world. A film crew from the German public broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) spent a week in Helsinki last year to report on Lux Helsinki 2024. A year later, the documentary has now been released and takes a deep dive into the event’s arrangements and art through the eyes of both Rouhikoski and last year’s featured artists. The 45-minute documentary premiered on German television on Sunday 12 January, the closing day of Lux Helsinki 2025.




Snow transformed Senate Square into a winter wonderland over the weekend. Pictured here is The Wave by the Danish Vertigo collective. Photo: Petri Anttila
Snow transformed Senate Square into a winter wonderland over the weekend. Pictured here is The Wave by the Danish Vertigo collective. Photo: Petri Anttila
The installation Continuum by illumaphonium from the UK could be seen in Railway Square. Photo: Otso Kähönen
The installation Continuum by illumaphonium from the UK could be seen in Railway Square. Photo: Otso Kähönen
Just Green by Kari Kola brought the greenery of summer back to Esplanade Park during the light festival. Photo: Petri Anttila
Just Green by Kari Kola brought the greenery of summer back to Esplanade Park during the light festival. Photo: Petri Anttila
Mirrorowl (Bubo speculus) II by Jere Suontausta will continue to reside in Helsinki thanks to the new collaboration between Lux Helsinki and the City of Helsinki's Urban Environment Division. Photo: Petri Anttila
Mirrorowl (Bubo speculus) II by Jere Suontausta will continue to reside in Helsinki thanks to the new collaboration between Lux Helsinki and the City of Helsinki's Urban Environment Division. Photo: Petri Anttila
Seismic Pulse by Ilkka Paloniemi was displayed in the Kaivopuisto Railway Tunnel and proved to be popular among visitors. Photo: Petri Anttila
Seismic Pulse by Ilkka Paloniemi was displayed in the Kaivopuisto Railway Tunnel and proved to be popular among visitors. Photo: Petri Anttila
Un-Reel Access by the British collective Kappa will continue to be displayed in Helsinki thanks to the collaboration between Lux Helsinki and the City of Helsinki's Urban Environment Division. Photo: Petri Anttila
Un-Reel Access by the British collective Kappa will continue to be displayed in Helsinki thanks to the collaboration between Lux Helsinki and the City of Helsinki's Urban Environment Division. Photo: Petri Anttila
Lux Helsinki attracted many visitors over the weekend. Pictured here is End Over End by Studio Vertigo from the UK. Photo: Petri Anttila
Lux Helsinki attracted many visitors over the weekend. Pictured here is End Over End by Studio Vertigo from the UK. Photo: Petri Anttila


Lux Helsinki is a fully accessible and free event for the whole family. The festival is organised and produced by the Helsinki Events Foundation. The artistic director of Lux Helsinki is Juha Rouhikoski, whose team of curators also includes Mia Kivinen, Anna Nykyri and Kirsi Pitkänen.

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Kutsu medialle: Tutustu ennakkoon Lux Helsingin teoksiin20.12.2024 10:01:07 EET | Kutsu

Tervetuloa Lux Helsingin pressitilaisuuteen tiistaina 7.1.2025 klo 15.45 alkaen. Tilaisuuden avaavat Helsingin tapahtumasäätiön toimitusjohtaja Stuba Nikula ja Lux Helsingin taiteellinen johtaja Juha Rouhikoski. Tämän jälkeen kuullaan neljän teoksen esittely. Lopuksi pääsemme näkemään teokset livenä, jolloin on mahdollisuus valo- ja videokuvaukseen. illumaphonium (UK): Continuum, Rautatientori Studio Vertigo (UK): End Over End, Keskuskatu Kappa (UK): Un-Reel Access, Sofiankatu Vertigo (DK): The Wave, Senaatintori Muutokset mahdollisia. Tilaisuuden aikana läsnäolijoille voi esittää kysymyksiä. Perusteellisempia haastatteluja varten varaathan ajan etukäteen. Haastattelut onnistuvat esimerkiksi ennen tilaisuuden alkua klo 15 alkaen. Lux Helsingin pressitilaisuus Ti 7.1.2025 klo 15.45–17.30 Scandic Grand Central Helsinki, Saarinen Rautatientori, Vilhonkatu 13. Sisäänkäynti pääovien vasemmalta puolelta Tarjolla pientä suolaista ja makeaa. Teokset sijaitsevat ulkona, joten pukeuduthan sään m

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