Digital Workforce announces expanded partnership with to introduce AI Agents to international market
Digital Workforce announces expanded partnership with to introduce AI Agents to international market
Helsinki, Finland | Atlanta, GA – January 15, 2025 – Digital Workforce Services Plc today announced an expanded strategic partnership with, the enterprise AI agent company, marking a significant milestone in the Agentic AI and automation industry. This collaboration combines's innovative AI agent technology with Digital Workforce’s extensive process automation expertise, creating a powerful synergy to drive growth and maximize the value of clients’ AI investments. is renowned for its cutting-edge full stack AI agent platform, trusted by numerous Fortune 1000 companies. Through this partnership, Digital Workforce will become’s exclusive reseller in the Nordics and a preferred partner in the UK and Ireland, offering training, support, and agent solutions to clients internationally.
The agreement builds on the strong collaboration between Digital Workforce and, which began with their initial work through Robocorp—a company later acquired.
"We are excited to deepen our partnership with and introduce their advanced AI agent technology to a broader international market. Our productized, holistic Outsmart process automation solutions, delivered as a continuous service, enable us to create unprecedented customer value. This agreement aligns perfectly with our commitment to providing outcome-focused, productized Agentic AI solutions. With proven Enterprise AI Agent technology already in production, we are well-positioned to deploy, train, and support clients immediately," Jussi Vasama, CEO of Digital Workforce Services Plc, commented.
"Our partnership with Digital Workforce enables enterprises to fully capitalize on the transformative potential of AI. We believe AI agents are critical to unlocking new levels of productivity that will forever change how work gets done, and we’re committed to delivering best in class experience for customers, while expanding our growing global footprint,” said Rob Bearden, Co-founder and CEO of
For further information, please contact:
Jussi Vasama, CEO, Digital Workforce Services Plc, Tel. +358 50 380 98937
About Digital Workforce Services Plc
Digital Workforce Services Plc is a leader in business automation and technology solutions. Its Outsmart platform and services, including Enterprise AI Agent solutions, empower organizations to transform knowledge work, reduce costs, accelerate digitalization, enhance customer experiences, and strengthen their competitive edge. Over 200 large international organizations rely on the company’s services to drive transformation through automation. Digital Workforce has particular expertise in automating healthcare and social care pathways, advancing long-term condition follow-up, improving patient safety, and enhancing the productivity of healthcare professionals. Founded in 2015, Digital Workforce employs over 200 business automation specialists across the US, UK & Ireland, and Northern and Central Europe. The company is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland.
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