Finland joins NASA’s Artemis Accords and secures millions in ESA funding for space technology development
The Winter Satellite Workshop, the largest New Space event in the Nordic and Baltic regions, has commenced at Aalto University’s campus in Otaniemi Espoo. The European Space Agency (ESA) used the occasion to launch the Phi-Lab Finland innovation programme, while Finland officially joined NASA's Artemis Accords, marking a significant step in the country’s space sector development.
Aalto University is hosting the Winter Satellite Workshop from 21 to 23 January at the Dipoli building. Now in its seventh year, the event has become a hub for space innovation and collaboration.
ESA Phi-Lab Finland innovation programme launched
The ESA-backed Phi-Lab consortium focuses on commercializing space technology, with Aalto University coordinating the initiative in Finland. Key partners include the Finnish Meteorological Institute, the National Land Survey of Finland, and the University of Vaasa.
‘The selected projects will concentrate on remote sensing technologies, environmental monitoring applications, and navigation technology development—areas where Finland has emerged as an international leader. These projects present significant commercial opportunities,’ said Tomi Erho, Director of Innovation Services at Aalto University.
ESA has allocated €5.2 million in funding for the six-year programme, with €4.4 million earmarked for direct support to selected projects. The total project budget is approximately €11 million, with additional backing from the Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation, the KAUTE Foundation, and the Weisell Foundation. Applications for the first round will open soon at
Finland joins NASA’s Artemis Accords
Finland has also signed NASA's Artemis Accords, aligning with global efforts to establish principles for peaceful and sustainable activities in outer space. These rules cover operations on the Moon, Mars, and other celestial bodies, as well as Earth and lunar orbits.
‘The space sector is experiencing rapid growth, reflected in the diverse programmes at this conference. Updating Finland’s space strategy is a major step forward, supporting innovation and promoting sustainable practices,’ said Professor Jaan Praks, chairman of the event.
A packed programme at the Winter Satellite Workshop
This year’s Winter Satellite Workshop features over 300 presentations, 40 company and institutional exhibitors, and a range of workshops, meetings, and networking opportunities. For the full programme, visit
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Aalto University is where science and art meet technology and business. We shape a sustainable future by making research breakthroughs in and across our disciplines, sparking the game changers of tomorrow and creating novel solutions to major global challenges. Our community is made up of 13 000 students, 400 professors and close to 4 100 other faculty and staff working on our dynamic campus in Espoo, Greater Helsinki, Finland.
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