The application fee improved the quality of international applicants at VAMK
The stricter application process and application fee in Finland's first national joint application round for spring 2025 slightly reduced the number of applicants. However, the changes positively impacted the diversity and quality of those applying to the English-language degree programs at VAMK. On average, there were 9.4 applicants per available study place in VAMK's programs.

According to preliminary data, approximately 1 600 applications were submitted to Vaasa University of Applied Sciences in the national joint application round that ended today. In the first joint application round of the spring, VAMK offered two English-language bachelor's degree programs and three master's degree programs. The degrees address the region's skills and workforce needs in the fields of engineering and business.
In total 170 enrolment slots were available for VAMK’s study programs that start in Autumn 2025. On average there were 9.4 applicants for each available enrolment slot. The most attractive program was bachelor level International Business.
The changed application process reduced the number of applicants
Nationwide, there were approximately 32 700 applicants in total. This figure is lower than in the previous year due to the revised application process. This year universities of applied sciences introduced national application fee for English-language degrees, and the final number of applicants may still change as application fee deadlines pass. Only applications from those who have paid the application fee can be processed.
”The €100 fee aims to improve applicant quality and reduce unnecessary applications. More moderate application numbers make it easier for universities to process applications, as those lacking genuine motivation are less likely to apply,” says VAMK’s Head of Student Services Juha Vierola.
Vierola is also pleased with Migri's stricter residence permit practices, as they further enhance the quality of applicants.
“Changing the type of residence permit no longer automatically exempts students from tuition fees under the revised Universities of Applied Sciences Act, which I believe will increase the number of applicants genuinely seeking education. After graduation, new experts can apply for a work-based residence permit in Finland, which will hopefully encourage them to remain in the region for employment after completing their studies,” Vierola clarifies.
VAMK uses the national UAS Exam entrance test for bachelor's degree programs. Applicants for master's degree programs are required to take an internationally proctored GMAT, GRE, or SAT test.
“The international tests required for master’s studies, conducted at specialised centres, ensure more reliable results and allow us to verify the applicant's identity with certainty,” says Vierola.
Targeted student recruitment helps address the skills shortage
In this application round, VAMK received a good amount of applications from Finland, along with applications from over ten different European countries. Additionally, applications were submitted from around 40 non-European countries. Students from outside Europe are required to pay tuition fees for their studies.
”The diversity of applicants is encouraging and aligns with our strategy. The marketing efforts targeted at our strategic focus countries have yielded positive results,” tells Head of Marketing and Communications Sirpa Rutanen, who is responsible for developing international student recruitment together with Vierola.
”We have continued to systematically increase the awareness and appeal of our international brand, not only in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, but also in Europe and Latin America. While EU citisens do not pay tuition fees, they are an important target group for us. Our primary goal is to attract students who are passionate about their studies and are also willing to stay, especially in Vaasa and the Western coast, for work after graduation,” continues Rutanen.
The admission results will be announced by May at the latest.
The results of the first joint application round of the spring will be announced by May 28, 2025. The study places must be accepted by July 10, 2025, at 3:00 PM at the latest.
To offer applicants flexibility, VAMK offers separate application to the English language degrees from 10.2.2025 until 25.4.2025. This application is for those who didn’t submit their application in time for the national joint application and for those who want to double their chances to secure a study place at VAMK for Autumn 2025.
For Bachelor level degrees the application is via SAT test. More information is available on VAMKs website: Separate Application with SAT.
For Master level degrees the application is via GMAT, GRE or SAT. More information is available on VAMKs website: Separate Application to Master’s Degrees.
Sirpa RutanenHead of Communications and MarketingVAMK Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu
Tel:+358503424945sirpa.rutanen@vamk.fiJuha VierolaHead of Student ServicesVAMK Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu
Tel:+358 40 773 8119juha.vierola@vamk.fiMaria Miettinen-BattistiniCommunications and Marketing SpecialistVAMK Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu
Tel:+358 40 586 6444maria.miettinen-battistini@vamk.fiImages

VAMK is a modern and international University of Applied Sciences situated in Vaasa, Western Finland. VAMK provides high-level theoretical and practical oriented education in Finnish and in English, both at Bachelor level as well as professional Master´s degree level.
There are over 4 000 students at VAMK and out of them around 350 are international degree students. More than 45 different nationalities are represented.
VAMK is located in the heart of Vaasa, which has more energy technology related companies than any other city in the Nordic countries. In the region, more than 160 companies work in the field of energy technology, and about 25 % of the employees of the Finnish energy sector work in Vaasa. The overall turnover of these companies is about 5 billion euros annually, and therefore it is well justified to say that Vaasa keeps the wheels of Finland's economy rolling!

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