Radical Health Festival Helsinki Returns: Helsinki to Host the 3rd edition of the European Healthcare Flagship Festival from 19-21 January 2026
Europe's leading festival for healthcare professionals is set to return to Helsinki in January 2026. The third Radical Health Festival Helsinki will take place at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (Messukeskus) from 19 to 21 January 2026. The event is organised by éditohealth and Messukeskus, with key partners including the City of Helsinki and the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
Radical Health Festival Helsinki brings together both private and public sector actors, as well as professionals from across the social and healthcare fields. Participants include policy makers, doctors, healthcare professionals, patients, businesses, startups, as well as researchers, influencers, and the media. The mission is to drive innovation in health and social care and to foster cross-disciplinary networks.
The healthcare and wellbeing industry is experiencing rapid global growth. Digitalisation of service systems, data-driven economies, and personalised treatments are advancing at pace. This digital transformation also intensifies the need for the sector to innovate. Radical Health Festival Helsinki responds to this demand by highlighting the key themes driving renewal. These themes include big data, artificial intelligence, the health impacts of climate change, active ageing, cybersecurity, and robotics.
"Finland has all the tools to become an international hub for health data utilisation. Our national growth programme aims to enhance Finland’s capacity and reputation as a pioneering research, development, and innovation actor in health and wellbeing, while also positioning Finland as an attractive destination for investments. Additionally, we aim to promote international collaboration for the development of new solutions and to support Finnish health sector companies in accessing global markets. Radical Health Festival Helsinki provides an excellent platform for achieving all this," says Päivi Sillanaukee, Programme Director at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
"Helsinki is a global leader in digital social and healthcare, as well as in promoting health and wellbeing more broadly. It is the perfect place to welcome all those who want to transform traditional practices in health and social care. Our city offers a world-class environment for the development of digital health and wellbeing and is therefore the best place to connect with like-minded people who share the same ambitions," says Juha Jolkkonen, Chair of the Festival Steering Group and Executive Director of Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services in Helsinki.
Two Successful Festivals Behind Us
The Radical Health Festival Helsinki, launched in June 2023, attracted over 1,100 international participants and received widespread praise for its high-quality programme. The second festival, held in 2024, offered an even more diverse agenda, featuring a wide selection of workshops, presentations by over 140 esteemed speakers, and interactive experiences. The exhibition showcased industry-leading companies, startups, and country pavilions. The event was commended for its collaborative and interdisciplinary approach, as well as excellent networking opportunities.
Partners for the previous festival included the City of Helsinki, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the European Society of Cardiology, Nightingale Health, CHIME (the College of Health Information Management Executives), IANPHI (The International Association of National Public Health Institutes), EHTEL, Healthtech Finland, and COCIR. Media representatives attended from Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, South Korea, Japan, and Finland.
Planning for the 2026 Radical Health Festival Helsinki is already underway, including programme development and sales. The event’s progress can be followed at www.radicalhealthfest.com and on the festival’s LinkedIn page.
Images from previous events available for free use: https://mediabank.messukeskus.com/kuvat/Radical+Health+Festival+Helsinki/
Radical Health Festival Helsinki will be organised next time from January 19-21, 2026, at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (Messukeskus). | https://www.radicalhealthfest.com | #radicalhealth
About the Radical Health Festival Helsinki organising partners:
Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (Messukeskus), promoting Finnish trade and industry by enabling profitable face-to-face contact in trade shows, congresses, and other events since 1919, is partnering with the international healthcare thought leadership and content creation agency éditohealth, whose leadership combines over 100 years’ in promoting digital health and creating successful global health leadership conferences and exhibitions.
Sean Roberts
Strategic Relations Officer, éditohealth
sean@editohealth.org I +33 6 19 553 339
Tarja Gordienko
Communications Manager, Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre
tarja.gordienko@messukeskus.com | +358 50 5847262
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