100 Summer Employees, No CVs or Cover Letters
DNA is once again recruiting around 100 one-of-a-kind summer colleagues for various positions across Finland without requiring CVs for next summer. In line with our humane and unique employer promise, everyone gets to shine as themselves, and summer colleagues are trusted just like permanent employees – summer employees are offered the same employment benefits and rights as permanent staff.
At DNA, the open summer job positions are in dozens of different cities across Finland. The positions are in technology, technical expert roles, corporate and consumer sales, and service-oriented retail work. Many employees are returning to DNA for the third or fourth time this summer, and several current DNA employees are former summer employees.
“What is special about summer jobs in DNA is our commitment to humanity and on-of-a-kind employer promise, which means that summer employees are also trusted, given responsibilities, and everyone gets to shine as their true selves. In some positions, it is possible to work remotely and with flexible working hours. Summer employees also receive the same employment benefits and health services as permanent employees during their work period. It is important to us that summer employees also feel equal to our permanent staff,” says DNA's HR Director Marko Rissanen.
Recruiting without CVs brings ease
As a responsible employer, DNA wants to reduce the already significant job application burden on summer job applicants and will hire summer employees again this year without CVs or traditional cover letters. DNA started CV-free recruitment back in 2020, and experience shows that it improves the applicant experience and makes job applications more equal. Last year's summer employee Iida Björn explains the impact of CV-free recruitment on summer job applications.
“Applying was easy. I answered questions, and in some parts, I could choose from options, while in others, I answered open questions. In my opinion, it saved time compared to other application methods because I didn't have to upload a CV or write a cover letter separately. All the necessary information was asked directly when making the application,” says Iida.
“It felt a bit strange at first not having to dig out a CV or write a cover letter separately. However, it was a very pleasant way to apply for a job. The questions were directly related to the job, and it was easier to describe my strengths through the potential job description,” she adds.
Research supports the easy application method
DNA's partner Duunitori developed the Dialogue tool for CV-free recruitment over five years ago. At the same time, Duunitori abandoned CVs and cover letters in its own recruitment. DNA was one of the first organizations to try Duunitori's model in its own recruitment.
“We greatly appreciate pioneers like DNA who are reforming recruitment with us using the Dialogue tool. Job seekers are extremely frustrated with the complexity of job applications. According to our research, up to 20 percent of applicants may not apply for a suitable position if the application process seems difficult", says Duunitori's Commercial Director Lauri Iso-Markku.
When recruiting without CVs, carefully thought-out application questions determine success. When the application questions focus on the most important skills for the job, it is easy for the recruiter to identify the most potential candidates. If necessary, the applicant's LinkedIn profile can provide the information that is sought in a more traditional recruitment method from a CV. According to Duunitori's data, about 70 percent of browsing for open positions happens on mobile devices. Thanks to the Dialogue tool, applying is also conveniently possible on a phone.
“This streamlines the job seeker's path, positively impacts the applicant experience, and helps talents and employers meet each other better,” says Iso-Markku.
DNA's summer recruitment for stores and sales teams is carried out together with DNA's long-term personnel partners Barona, Rainmaker, and Staffpoint.
DNA's summer job applications started on Monday, January 27, and will continue until February 23, 2025.
Summer job positions can be found on our website: www.dna.fi/kesaduuni
For more information for the media:
Marko Rissanen, HR Director, DNA Oyj, 044 220 3230, marko.rissanen@dna.fi
Lauri Iso-Markku, Commercial Director, Duunitori Oy, tel. 050 536 4646, lauri@duunitori.fi
DNA Communications, tel. 044 044 8000, communications@dna.fi
DNA is one of the leading telecommunications companies in Finland. Our purpose is to connect you to what matters most. We offer connections, services and devices for homes and workplaces, contributing to the digitalisation of society. Already for years, DNA customers have been among the world leaders in mobile data usage. DNA has about 3.7 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The company has been awarded numerous times as an excellent employer and family-friendly workplace. In 2023, our total revenues was EUR 1,067 million and we employed about 1,700 people around Finland. DNA is a part of Telenor Group, a leading telecommunications company across the Nordics. More information: www.dna.fi, X @DNA_fi, Facebook @DNA.fi and LinkedIn @DNA-Oyj.
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