Kempower hosted an exclusive EV test drive day for its employees in collaboration with K-Auto, over 100 test drives in a day
Kempower employees had the opportunity to experience the latest EV models during a special EV test drive day organized at the company’s headquarters in Lahti in collaboration with a Finnish car dealership K-Auto. Over 100 test drives were conducted during the day. Kempower's car fleet is 100% electric and consists of 175 electric cars, with an annual mileage of approximately 3.5 million kilometers. The test drive event held this week provided kempowerians with the opportunity to gain experience with the latest electric car models.
Lahti, Finland – Kempower employees had the opportunity to experience the latest EV models during a special EV test drive day organized at the company’s headquarters in Lahti in collaboration with a Finnish car dealership K-Auto. Over 100 test drives were conducted during the day. Kempower's car fleet is 100% electric and consists of 175 electric cars, with an annual mileage of approximately 3.5 million kilometers. The test drive event held this week provided Kempowerians with the opportunity to gain experience with the latest electric car models.
The event showcased a wide range of EV models, including Audi, Volkswagen, Cupra, and Porsche. By offering employees the chance to experience the latest EV models up close, the event emphasized Kempower’s commitment to innovation, sustainability, and fostering a strong connection between its people and the products they support.
“Driving electric cars is the best way to gain practical understanding of both charging and driving experience. All Kempower's company cars are electric, and we want to test and drive as many different cars as possible. The test drive day was a great opportunity for kempowerians to get acquainted with the latest models. A big thanks to K-Auto for making it easy for us to test drive different cars during the workday,” said Kempower’s VP of Communications, Paula Savonen.
The collaboration with K-Auto reflects a shared dedication to accelerating the transition to electric transportation. K-Auto brought a diverse fleet of state-of-the-art EVs, ensuring participants had access to vehicles that demonstrate the potential of electric mobility. K-Auto chose to collaborate with Kempower because the company genuinely drive and understand electric vehicles.
"We are really happy about this opportunity. Electrification is our common goal with Kempower, and I can't think of many better ways to develop change than by driving the latest EV models together," said Hannu Ryynänen, Sales Director Corporate Sales & Leasing at K-Auto.
Kempower has a fleet of 175 company cars, all of which are EVs, with a total annual mileage of approximately 3.5 million kilometers. Each vehicle averages 20,000 kilometers per year, providing valuable insights and hands-on experience with EVs within the company. Furthermore, understanding the charging curves of new EV models is essential for Kempower’s innovation and development.
"Analyzing the charging curves of new EV models is crucial and fascinating for us, as it offers essential data that enhances our fast-charging solutions. This test drive day provided us with a lot of valuable charging data as various EVs charged at our headquarters throughout the day,” said Kempower’s VP of Research and Innovation Mikko Veikkolainen.
The test drive day provided Kempower employees with valuable information and experiences with new electric cars, which they help make more accessible through the company's charging solutions.
Kempower Media:
Paula Savonen, VP, Communications, Kempower
+358 29 0021900
About Kempower:
We design and manufacture reliable and user-friendly DC fast-charging solutions for electric vehicles. Our vision is to create the world’s most desired EV charging solutions for everyone, everywhere. Our product development and production are based in Finland and in the U.S., with the majority of our materials and components sourced locally. We focus on all areas of e-mobility, from electric cars, trucks, and buses to machines and marine. Our modular and scalable charging system and world-class software are designed by EV drivers for EV drivers, enabling the best user experience for our customers around the world. Kempower is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki Stock Exchange in Finland.
Paula SavonenVice President, CommunicationsKempower
Tel:+358 29 0021900paula.savonen@kempower.comSubscribe to releases from Kempower Oyj
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