Mira Grönvall appointed as Director, School of Technology
The new Director of the School of Technology at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences is Mira Grönvall. In her role, Grönvall aims to create a trusting, respectful, and encouraging atmosphere within the unit.
M. Sc. Mira Grönvall has been appointed as the Director of the School of Technology at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, starting from February 1, 2025. Previously, Grönvall served as the Head of Education and Research, and in early 2024, as the acting Director of the School of Technology.
“I am delighted that Mira will be leading the School of Technology. Her broad expertise and people-centred approach in interacting with colleagues and stakeholders will help our university achieve its goals in line with our values. Congratulations to Mira on this challenging role. You have the full support of our community behind you,” congratulates President, CEO Hannu Vahtera.
High-quality education and collaboration with businesses as a goal
“I humbly and gratefully accept this role. I have received positive and encouraging feedback about my appointment from the staff of my own unit, other units, and the management. I find this highly meaningful, as success in this role would not be possible without support,” rejoices Grönvall.
According to her, the School of Technology has strong expertise and a desire for development. The operational environment is also top-notch.
“We collaborate regionally, nationally, and internationally. In terms of outcomes, the goals include strengthening the appeal and retention of education as well as integrating RDI work more closely into teaching,” Grönvall says.
In her role, Grönvall aims to create a trusting, respectful, and encouraging atmosphere.
“I consider high-quality education, the integration of international students into Finland and Vaasa, and effective collaboration with regional stakeholders to be goals worth striving for.”
The recruitment process for the new Head of Education and Research for the School of Technology will begin soon.
Mira GrönvallDirector, School of TechnologyVAMK Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu
Tel:+358 40 708 7381mira.gronvall@vamk.fiMaria Miettinen-BattistiniCommunications and Marketing SpecialistVAMK Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu
Tel:+358 40 586 6444maria.miettinen-battistini@vamk.fiImages
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