Buster Boats expands its center console boat range
Buster is expanding its selection of center console boats with the introduction of a brand-new version of the popular Buster M model.

Designed for versatility, this new center console boat falls within the highly popular five-meter class, making it an excellent choice as a spacious commuter boat or a multi-purpose vessel for summer houses. The wide passageways on both sides of the console ensure easy movement on board, while the large, flat bow area provides ample space for cargo or two anglers engaged in casting.
“In response to customer demand, we have developed a larger model alongside the long-standing Scc. As a center console version, the Buster M offers a fun and sporty driving experience,” says Artturi Niittynen, Buster’s Sales and Marketing Director.
The Buster Mcc features a newly designed center console that is significantly larger than the standard single or twin console versions. Despite its size, the console remains easy and safe to walk around. Its full aluminum structure offers wind protection for both the driver and passenger, while the ergonomic design ensures a comfortable driving position, even when standing. The console also includes a dry and spacious storage compartment and two cup holders that double as slots for mobile phones.
The generously designed console has space for an optional 10-inch Buster Q smart display and room to install two additional screens without obstructing forward visibility. Additional accessories can also be mounted on the surrounding windshield railing.
“The console is large enough to provide excellent wind protection for the driver and allows for the installation of multiple fish finders or chart plotters side by side,” says Buster brand ambassador and fishing guide Jani Ollikainen.
Instead of the large canopy storage compartment found in the parallel models, the Buster Mcc is equipped with a lightweight, tool-free removable backrest. Inside the backrest, there is a compartment for ropes or other essentials. Additionally, a small covered storage space beneath the aft deck can accommodate fishing rods and tackle boxes.
For fishing enthusiasts, the Buster Mcc is available with Buster’s proprietary practical bow motor mount and a large bow casting deck with ample storage underneath.
Powered by a maximum engine output of 40 hp, the Buster Mcc reaches a top speed of approximately 27 knots. In its most fuel-efficient cruising range of 15–22 knots, fuel consumption remains at just 0.5 liters per nautical mile.
The Buster Mcc is based on the streamlined and spacious Buster M platform, which is also available in single- and twin-console versions. Its aluminum hull and rot-proof composite flooring ensure durability and a carefree boating experience.
Among its sibling models, the Buster M1 is a practical and safe multi-purpose boat with a single side console and an open deck layout, making it ideal for commuting, cargo transport, and fishing. The more extensively equipped Buster M2, with twin consoles, a standard middle door, and an optional aft canopy, is well suited for longer summer trips and as a reliable transport boat for island cottages.
In addition to the Buster Mcc, the 2025 lineup will include the smaller 4.43-meter Buster Scc, a center console model with a slim console and a maximum engine power of 30 hp.
Buster has been offering center console boats since the 1980s, with the first model being the Big Buster CC Fish, which was comparable in size to today’s M models.
Buster Mcc 2025 Specifications
- Overall length: 4.86 m
- Width: 1.85 m
- Weight (without engine): 390 kg
- Maximum load capacity: 530 kg
- Maximum number of passengers: 5
- Engine power range: 30–40 hp
- Top speed: approx. 27 knots
- Most fuel-efficient speed range: 15–22 knots
Artturi NiittynenDirector, Sales & Marketing
Tel:+358408436988artturi.niittynen@busterboats.comJohan Finnbergmarketing manager

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