Espoo set ambitious goals – Nature-wise Espoo roadmap aims for 2035
Espoo wants to take care of nature as the city grows. The city has prepared an ambitious plan and goals for how we will maintain and increase biodiversity in the coming years. This will require new kind of thinking, operating methods and cooperation – nature wisdom. The City Board approved the road map at its meeting on 10 February 2025.
![The verdant setting is surrounded by detached houses and in the middle of the image is a wooden pedestrian bridge that crosses the creek.](/data/images/public/3385/70893664/defdaaa7-7f58-4f57-9a3e-3093481a0a0f-w_720.jpg)
Striving for healthy nature
The Nature-wise Espoo roadmap aims to improve biodiversity in Espoo. One of the key goals for 2035 is that the ecological network is highly functional and coherent. The term “ecological network” refers to key nature areas and their interconnecting green corridors along which plant and animal species can move and spread.
Another goal is to revive biotopes and species. In Espoo, there are plenty of different types of biotopes, such as forests, rocks, sea shores, river valleys and traditional biotopes, that have their own species. The sea area and other bodies of water will be in at least good condition by 2035.
Espoo residents appreciate their local nature and opportunities for recreation. One of the goals of the roadmap is to have plenty of green space and urban green and to have them support biodiversity.
Development of operating practices requires sustained effort
Promoting biodiversity in a growing city is a major challenge. The goals can be achieved through systematic action, which includes the development of operations to reduce harm to nature and increase nature benefits in all operations of the city.
“During the roadmap work, we surveyed our current practices and found that a lot of good is already being done. New operating models and tools are developed in the long term, and the development work is already underway,” says Olli Isotalo, Deputy Mayor of Urban Environment.
The Urban Environment Sector carries out a wide range of work, from planning to construction and nature management. New operating methods will be established as part of the work of professionals in different fields.
Nature-wise Espoo develops through cooperation
“Nature-wise Espoo is a common cause for all Espoo residents. The city promotes the goals through concrete actions. We need help from our residents, organisations, companies and all other stakeholders,” says Director of Environmental Affairs Tarja Söderman.
Residents can promote biodiversity by, for example, participating in various community efforts. Valuable nature can also be found in residents’ own gardens and courtyards: places like garden meadows are oases of diversity.
Examples of ongoing work:
- Read examples of current practices.
- The detailed planning of Espoo will adopt the Green Factor Tool. It is used to guide how much green area a plot to be built must have, how stormwater is managed and how biodiversity can be supported in yard and garden environments. Read more.
- The project VALUE is developing a city planning tool that can be used to assess the impact that city planning has on ecosystem services and biodiversity. Read more about the project (in Finnish).
- The City of Espoo will continue to explore the implementation of ecological restoration and will select pilot sites for which restoration can be carried out. Open the document Luontoviisas Espoo: Espoon ennallistamispotentiaalin selvitys (“Nature-wise Espoo: report on the restoration potential of Espoo”, summary in English, report in Finnish)
- Espoo joined the nature-wise municipalities network Luontoviisaat kunnat. The network’s municipalities promote measures to reduce adverse impacts on biodiversity. Luontoviisaat kunnat - Luontokunnat ( (in Finnish)
More information:
- Nature-wise Espoo – roadmap towards no net loss of biodiversity to be soon published also in English on the The Nature-wise Espoo website
Olli IsotaloDeputy Mayor for Urban Environment
Tel:+358 50 593 3359olli.isotalo@espoo.fiTarja SödermanEnvironmental Director
Tel:+358 50 330 9767tarja.soderman@espoo.fiImages
![The verdant setting is surrounded by detached houses and in the middle of the image is a wooden pedestrian bridge that crosses the creek.](/data/images/public/3385/70893664/defdaaa7-7f58-4f57-9a3e-3093481a0a0f-w_240.jpg)
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