Nobia Finland Oy Initiates change negotiations


To enhance competitiveness and long-term profitability of the Finnish kitchen brand Novart, Nobia Finland Oy has today initiated change negotiations with local employees. As part of this process, the company is evaluating various options, including the potential transfer of local production from Nastola to another Nordic manufacturing facility.

–  Finland remains a strategically important market for Nobia, and we have established Novart as one of the most desired brands in the Finnish market. Our commitment to serving customers and franchisees under the Novart brand remains firm. Starting the change negotiations is a carefully considered and important step to explore how we can leverage Nobia Group’s supply chain scale to strengthen profitability, enhance our customer proposition, and to improve resilience to market volatility, says Kari Roos, Head of Sales at Nobia Finland Oy.

The negotiations, which are set to conclude in April, will also include potential organizational adjustments to adapt to the current soft market. Nobia Finland Oy will provide further details on the outcome once the process is completed.

For more information, please contact:

Kari Roos
Head of Sales at Nobia Finland Oy
+358-(0)40-730 28 50


Tobias Norrby
Head of Investor Relations, Nobia
+46-(0)706 647 335


About Novart

Novart is one of Finland's largest kitchen brands. Novart was established in 1989 and carpentry work began already at 1945 at Novart’s local factory in Nastola. Before 2023, Novart was known as the brands Keittiömaailma, A la Carte and Petra.

About Nobia
Since 1998, Nobia Finland and Novart is part of Nobia, a leading European kitchen specialist. Nobia designs, manufactures and sells kitchens through thirteen strong brands, such as Novart and HTH in Finland, Marbodal in Sweden, and Magnet in the UK. Nobia has around 4,000 employees and net sales of about SEK 11 billion. The share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm under the ticker NOBI.

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