State visit by Their Majesties the King and Queen of Denmark will further consolidate ties between our countries
Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Press release 10/2025
20 February 2025
Their Majesties King Frederik X and Queen Mary of Denmark will pay a state visit to Finland on 4 and 5 March 2025. The visit will be hosted by President of the Republic of Finland Alexander Stubb together with his spouse Suzanne Innes-Stubb.
The aim of the state visit is to further consolidate and deepen cooperation between Finland and Denmark, both bilaterally and as members of NATO. During the visit, issues such as defence, societal resilience and the green transition will be covered.
The presidential couple will receive the King and Queen at an official welcoming ceremony at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki on Tuesday 4 February. The ceremonies in the courtyard and the greeting of the presidential couple and the King and Queen from the balcony of the Presidential Palace will start at around 10.00. The general public is welcome to view the ceremony from the Market Square.
The ceremonial welcome will be followed by formal talks with Danish ministers at the Presidential Palace. Topics of discussion will include bilateral relations between Finland and Denmark, Nordic cooperation, the security situation in the Baltic Sea region and support for Ukraine.
The royal couple’s programme will continue with a luncheon hosted by Mayor Juhana Vartiainen at Helsinki City Hall, a visit to Parliament and a meeting with Speaker of the Parliament Jussi Halla-aho, followed by a meeting with Prime Minister Petteri Orpo and his spouse Niina Kanniainen-Orpo at the Prime Minister’s official residence Kesäranta.
In the afternoon, the King and Queen of Denmark, together with the President and his spouse, will visit the Merihaka civil defence shelter, after which a wreath-laying ceremony will be held at the Hietaniemi Cemetery.
In addition to the joint programme, Queen Mary will visit the New Children’s Hospital with Mrs Suzanne Innes-Stubb.
In the evening, President Stubb and Mrs Innes-Stubb will host a gala dinner at the Presidential Palace.
On the morning of Wednesday 5 March, the King and the Queen, together with the President and his spouse, will visit EMMA, the Espoo Museum of Modern Art, and the Arkki School of Architecture for Children and Youth.
The programme will continue with a visit to Aalto University and a presentation of research and companies in quantum and space technology, as well as a demonstration of the Aalto Ice and Wave Tank, designed to test ships and other maritime structures in ice conditions.
In the afternoon, the royal couple and the presidential couple will be present at a seminar on green financing, bringing together Finnish and Danish investors and companies operating in the value chain of the green transition. The seminar will be held at the Fiskars Group’s headquarters and will include a luncheon.
Later in the afternoon, there will be a visit to the main base of the Coastal Brigade in Upinniemi and a presentation of maritime surveillance, diver training and armoured personnel carriers.
The visit will conclude on Wednesday evening with a reception hosted by the King and Queen of Denmark in Finlandia Hall in honour of their Finnish hosts.
The King and Queen will be accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Troels Lund Poulsen, Minister for Foreign Affairs Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Minister of Environment and Gender Equality Magnus Heunicke and Minister for Resilience and Preparedness Torsten Schack Pedersen.
Former President of the Republic of Finland Sauli Niinistö and his spouse Jenni Haukio last paid a state visit to Denmark in April 2013.
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