One of the World's Most Expensive Beers, Blessed, Now Affordable on Tap at Finnish Beer Restaurant Konttori
The Blessed beer by Alaska's Anchorage Brewing Company, a global sensation, is now making waves in the beer world. This rare and highly praised malt beverage, typically available only in bottles, will now be on tap at Olutravintola Konttori in Tampere, Finland. Instead of paying well over 100 euros for a 0.375l bottle, customers can enjoy Blessed (2024) for 10 euros per deciliter at Konttori.

"Blessed is rarely available on tap, likely due to its exorbitant cost. There needs to be sufficient demand to make it economically viable. At Konttori, we believe in this and want to offer our customers something truly special," explains Antti Hannula, manager and partner at Konttori.
Konttori has secured a 20-liter batch of the Blessed beer. Despite the price, Hannula is confident that every last drop will be sold.
"This is a true superlative beer. It's one of the world's most expensive, but also a top-quality product according to many international review sites. For instance, on Untappd, a popular site among beer enthusiasts, its rating is incredibly high (4.71 / 5). This has been consistent for years.
Each year, a new, slightly different Blessed is produced
"Blessed (2024) is a 16% ABV imperial stout, aged for 27 months in barrels from two different whiskey distilleries. It's also made with real Madagascar vanilla and both raw and toasted coconut. This brewery spares no expense. When they produce, they produce top quality," Hannula states.
Anchorage Brewing Company is known for its robust, dark beers with long barrel aging, which Blessed exemplifies. The lengthy aging process, often requiring barrel changes, takes time, increasing the beer's cost. The whiskey and cognac barrels used are also very expensive, and barrel aging isn't without risks. All these factors contribute to the product's price, which is comparable to quality whiskies.
At Konttori, customers can experience Blessed at quite reasonable prices
"By having Blessed on tap, we can portion it sensibly and sell it to a larger audience at a reasonable price. We're not aiming for maximum profit here, but genuinely catering to beer lovers."
Hannula describes Blessed's flavor profile as one where even a small amount gives a good understanding of the beer's character.
Konttori will also offer other premium products from the same brewery, inspiring the beer restaurant to organize a high-caliber tasting event for beer enthusiasts as soon as Blessed is available on tap.
"We're organizing an Anchorage evening where you can taste four beers from this brewery. We'll adjust the serving sizes to keep the price reasonable."
Blessed (2024) will be available on tap at Konttori for everyone to enjoy starting March 12.
"I think it's fantastic that now many people can taste, at a very reasonable price, what a top-class barrel-aged stout can be like," Hannula concludes.
Antti HannulaCEO, PartnerKaupunkiravintolat Oy Ltd

Beer Restaurant Konttori is a beer expert
Beer Restaurant Konttori is a Finnish beer expert, continuously offering 24 different draft products, of which 11 rotate rapidly. In total, Beer Restaurant Konttori's selection features approximately 1,400 different beers annually. On the beer enthusiasts' Untappd app, Beer Restaurant Konttori is one of the most visited destinations in Finland. Beer Restaurant Konttori aims to be a sought-after partner for breweries and importers internationally. Olutravintola Konttori is part of Restbar Group.

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