Tampere-talo Oy

Van Gogh Alive arrives in Finland – the immersive art experience opens in June at Tampere Hall


Van Gogh Alive is a large-scale, multisensory art experience that has inspired over 9 million people across more than 100 cities worldwide. The digital spectacular is coming to Finland for the first time. The exhibition will be on display at Tampere Hall for a limited time from June 25 to August 17, 2025. Tickets for the exhibition are now on sale.

The multisensory experience celebrating the art of Vincent van Gogh will be on display at Tampere Hall, Finland.
The multisensory experience celebrating the art of Vincent van Gogh will be on display at Tampere Hall, Finland. Grande Experiences

This summer, the visitors of Tampere Hall will have the unique opportunity to experience Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh's (1853–1890) artistry and venture into his colourful world. Created and produced by Grande Experiences from Australia, Van Gogh Alive is a multisensory experience to entertain the whole family.

The world's most popular immersive art experience has toured over 100 cities and has been seen by over 9 million visitors. Now, the exhibition is coming to Finland for the first time. Van Gogh Alive will be on display at Tampere Hall's Park Hall from June 25 to August 17, 2025.

This is no ordinary art exhibition. Featuring over 3,000 images, the experience presents Van Gogh in a way that takes over the screens, walls, columns, ceilings and floors of the exhibition space, all synchronized to a powerful classical score that reflects the artist’s era. Visitors also have the opportunity to explore Van Gogh’s sources of inspiration and life through photographs and videos displayed alongside the artworks. The multisensory experience continues at the exhibition’s pop-up shop and at Restaurant Tuhto, where a three-course Van Gogh menu and a summer café inspired by the artist are available.

“The immersive exhibition of Vincent van Gogh’s masterpieces offers visitors a unique experience. It’s as if we step inside the artworks, dive into the details, and view them from a new perspective. The artist’s fascinating world and the exhibition’s unique execution captivate visitors of all ages,” says Suvi Leinonen, Artistic Director of Tampere Hall.

Accessible art experiences

Bruce Peterson, Founder and Chairman of Grande Experiences, got the idea to create immersive, multisensory experiences from his children. During a family holiday to Italy and a few trips to various art galleries and museums, his kids were complaining of boredom and begging him to go get a gelato instead. He probed a bit deeper and concluded that traditional, static museum experiences were not engaging people in art the way they should.

In 2011, after two years of development, Van Gogh Alive was born. Combining art, technology, music and aroma, the exhibition utilises Grande Experiences’ unique SENSORY4™ system that combines multichannel motion graphics and cinema-quality surround sound. This technology allows any exhibition space to be transformed into a dynamic, informative, and visually spectacular experience.

Today, Grande Experiences is a globally leading innovator, developer, and producer of immersive cultural experiences. In addition to Vincent van Gogh’s art, touring exhibitions based on the works of Claude Monet, Salvador Dalí, and Leonardo da Vinci have also gained immense popularity, attracting a total of over 25 million visitors across six continents and more than 200 cities.

“We are delighted that this exceptional art experience is coming to Finland. Now, with globalisation and our technology, we can make cultural experiences more accessible to a wider audience. Nothing can replace seeing original artworks in person. But, to educate you must engage and to engage you must entertain. Hopefully, our visitors learn more about the artist and feel compelled to seek out the originals for themselves,” says Bruce Peterson.

“Younger generations, in particular, are seeking out new kinds of experiences they can enjoy with friends and share via social media. For many, the greatest pleasure lies in simply standing still and indulging the senses as waves of intense and beautiful sights and sounds wash over them,” Peterson adds.

Tickets for the exhibition are now on sale at Tampere Hall and Lippu.fi ticket sales channels. The exhibition is open from June 25 to August 17 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 10am to 6pm, and on Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 5pm. It is closed on Mondays. Ticket sales end an hour before closing time.

The exhibition is suitable for the whole family. The entrance fee starts from €22 for adults and from €19 for students, pensioners, the unemployed, conscripts, non-military conscripts, and children (aged 7–16). A family ticket costing €65 is also available, allowing entrance for 2 adults and 2–4 children. Children under the age of 7 enter for free.

Additional information

Mrs. Suvi Leinonen
Artistic Director
Tampere Hall Ltd
Tel. +358 3 243 4031

Mr. Rob Kirk
Head of Commercial
Grande Experiences



Van Gogh Alive. Photo: Grande Experiences
Van Gogh Alive. Photo: Grande Experiences
Van Gogh Alive. Photo: Grande Experiences
Van Gogh Alive. Photo: Grande Experiences
Van Gogh Alive. Photo: Grande Experiences
Van Gogh Alive. Photo: Grande Experiences
Van Gogh Alive
Van Gogh Alive
Miles Noel
Van Gogh Alive. Photo: Grande Experiences
Van Gogh Alive. Photo: Grande Experiences
Van Gogh Alive. Photo: Grande Experiences
Van Gogh Alive. Photo: Grande Experiences
Van Gogh Alive
Van Gogh Alive
Morgan Sette
The multisensory experience celebrating the art of Vincent van Gogh will be on display at Tampere Hall, Finland.
The multisensory experience celebrating the art of Vincent van Gogh will be on display at Tampere Hall, Finland.
Grande Experiences

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