Geovisor's Pekka Kantia: Responsible Geoconstruction is Built on Knowledge


"The responsibility and sustainability of geoconstruction are rooted in data-driven decision-making at every stage of the process. Information is the most valuable tool for developers and contractors striving for sustainable geoconstruction. Our company is a Finnish geo-research firm that provides insights based on advanced research methods and offers a wide range of services for the geoconstruction industry. We promote sustainable development in our field by delivering solutions that support environmentally conscious and economically viable practices," says Pekka Kantia, CEO of Geovisor.

The responsibility and sustainability of geoconstruction rely on researched data and decision-making guided by it, emphasizes Pekka Kantia, CEO of Geovisor Oy.
The responsibility and sustainability of geoconstruction rely on researched data and decision-making guided by it, emphasizes Pekka Kantia, CEO of Geovisor Oy.

"Our goal is to be a knowledge-driven expert firm that enables data-based decision-making and ensures a consistently positive societal impact in all our endeavors," Kantia explains.

Every stage of a geostructure's lifecycle, from planning and construction to quality control and long-term monitoring, must be grounded in reliable data produced through modern research methods. Geovisor's services for the geoconstruction sector include geophysical, hydrological, and rock mechanics measurements, along with monitoring services.

In the planning phase, research typically focuses on assessing the geological and hydrological baseline of a site using various methods. During construction, any deviations from the initial expectations can be addressed through additional research. After geostructures are completed, measurement data can be compared against initial plans to ensure quality assurance. Furthermore, research can be utilized to monitor long-term structural changes and functional properties, allowing for the identification of significant changes before they become critical issues.

At the project level, our services encompass all phases, from planning and implementation to analysis and final application.

"Our services provide research support for geoconstruction projects throughout the entire lifecycle, starting from preliminary studies to quality assurance during construction. Our work hinges on advanced research methods and high-level expertise," Kantia states.

Geovisor's operational model assists industry professionals in making sustainable and well-informed decisions concerning risk management, responsibility, environmental impact, cost-efficiency, and project quality.

"A geoconstruction project driven by data is a pioneer in responsibility. When design and implementation are grounded in thoroughly researched information, safety considerations are inherently addressed. Responsibility is further enhanced by quality control and assurance of the constructed site. We aim to lead in data-based and data-driven geoconstruction," Kantia concludes.




Geovisor partners with you throughout the entire lifecycle of sustainable mining and geoconstruction. We provide data-driven insights, based on advanced methodologies and expert analysis, to empower your decision-making and enhance operational sustainability, profitability, and safety.

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Lue lisää julkaisijalta Geovisor Oy

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