Tampere-talo Oy

Tampere Opera celebrates 80 years – anniversary production is Verdi’s Don Carlos


Next year, Tampere Opera will celebrate its 80th anniversary. The highlight of the anniversary year will be Giuseppe Verdi’s Don Carlos, premiering at Tampere Hall on Wednesday, March 4, 2026. A total of six performances will be held. The production is directed by Tuomas Parkkinen, with two of Finland’s brightest opera stars, bass Mika Kares and soprano Marjukka Tepponen, in the lead roles. Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra will be conducted by Giancarlo Andretta. Tickets for the opera are now on sale.

The lead roles in Verdi’s Don Carlos will be performed by bass Mika Kares and soprano Marjukka Tepponen. The opera will premiere at Tampere Hall on March 4, 2026.
The lead roles in Verdi’s Don Carlos will be performed by bass Mika Kares and soprano Marjukka Tepponen. The opera will premiere at Tampere Hall on March 4, 2026.

Tampere Opera will bring Giuseppe Verdi’s (1813–1901) masterpiece Don Carlos to the stage of the Main Auditorium at Tampere Hall. One of the most significant and frequently performed operas, Don Carlos tells a dramatic story of love, power, and political intrigue within the Spanish royal family, intertwined with the dominance of the church. Considered Verdi’s most versatile opera, it features some of the most beautiful arias, duets, and powerful choral scenes in operatic history. The premiere will take place at Tampere Hall on Wednesday, March 4, 2026, at 6:30 PM.

Founded in 1946, Tampere Opera will mark its 80th anniversary in 2026, with Don Carlos being its 132nd production. The anniversary production will feature internationally acclaimed Finnish opera singers. Bass Mika Kares and soprano Marjukka Tepponen frequently perform at the world’s leading opera houses. Other singers will be announced later.

The anniversary opera will be directed by Tuomas Parkkinen, one of Finland’s most sought-after opera directors and a well-known figure at Tampere Opera. Parkkinen previously worked as an assistant director in Tampere Opera productions from 1998 to 2002 and directed his first production in 2006. The Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra will be conducted by maestro Giancarlo Andretta. The set design is created by Juho Lindström, and the costumes are designed by Tuomas Lampinen. The Tampere Opera Choir will train under the direction of choir conductor Heikki Liimola.

“A lavish interpretation in a grand setting”

Don Carlos has been performed at Tampere Opera three times before, in 2009, 1992, and 1990. Based on real historical figures, the opera follows the young Spanish prince Don Carlos, who is in love with Elisabeth (Tepponen). However, fate and political maneuvering force Elisabeth to marry his father, King Philip II (Kares), instead.

"The father-son rivalry over the same woman is a fascinating theme both as a human experience and as a dramatic narrative. What also intrigues me is that every character in the opera must make a sacrifice – sacrificing love, freedom, their life, their son, or their homeland. We have world-class soloists who are also exceptional actors. As a director, my goal is nothing less than a world-class performance," says Tuomas Parkkinen.

According to Parkkinen, the creative team will craft a production that resonates with modern audiences while honouring historical tradition. The 16th-century setting will be reflected in the stage design, which draws inspiration from Spanish architecture. The Catholic Church and its authoritative influence are also key elements of the interpretation, as religion is at the core of Don Carlos’ dramatic conflict.

"The characters in this opera are aristocrats, members of a European royal family, living by their own rules and laws in an opulent world of their own. Tampere’s Don Carlos will be a luxurious, passionate, emotionally gripping, intoxicatingly rich, and a lavish interpretation in a grand setting. And not a single dull moment!" Parkkinen promises.

80-year unbroken opera tradition

Finland is one of the few European countries without a state-funded, year-round opera company outside its capital region. Tampere Opera comes closest to this with its 80-year unbroken tradition, supported by the City of Tampere and Tampere Hall Ltd. The anniversary year will also feature new artistic initiatives.

"It is a great source of pride that Pirkanmaa has its own opera company, which, with its 131 productions, has enriched Finnish cultural life. With our anniversary program, we aim to reach as wide an audience as possible – from children to adults, from fans of contemporary music to lovers of classical works. A diverse range of experiences is in store, and we will provide more details later," says Suvi Leinonen, Artistic Director of Tampere Hall and Tampere Opera.

"Thanks to a two-year grant from the Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation (2024–2025), we have been able to develop and expand Tampere Opera’s productions. This year, in addition to our main production, The Last Temptations, we will present Verdi’s Requiem, children’s opera collaborations, various concerts, and an international ballet performance. As our audience has told us, Tampere Opera is for everyone, and each year, we succeed in attracting even larger audiences to experience the well-being benefits of art and culture," says Paulina Ahokas, CEO of Tampere Hall and Tampere Opera.

Verdi: Don Carlos

March 4–14, 2026, Main Auditorium, Tampere Hall

Conductor Giancarlo Andretta
Director Tuomas Parkkinen
Set designer Juho Lindström
Costume designer Tuomas Lampinen
Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra
Tampere Opera Chorus
Choir conductor Heikki Liimola

Performances & tickets

Wed, March 4, 2026, at 6:30 PM (Premiere)
Fri, March 6, 2026, at 6:30 PM
Sun, March 8, 2026, at 3:00 PM
Tue, March 10, 2026, at 6:30 PM
Thu, March 12, 2026, at 6:30 PM
Sat, March 14, 2026, at 3:00 PM

Tickets €115/€102/€82
Pensioners €106/€94/€74
Children (until 16-year-olds) and students €40

Tickets are available via Tampere Hall and Lippu.fi sales channels. For group bookings (10+ people), email ryhmamyynti@tampere-talo.fi or call +358 3 243 4501 (Mon–Fri, 10 AM–4 PM).

Please be prepared to present a valid discount entitlement (e.g., student card) upon request by Tampere Hall staff.

Performance duration: approximately 3 hours 40 minutes, including one intermission. The opera will be performed in Italian with Finnish and English surtitles. Recommended for ages 12 and above.

The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation has supported Tampere Opera in 2024–2025.

Further information

Suvi Leinonen
Artistic Director, Tampere Hall Ltd
Phone: +358 3 243 4031
Email: suvi.leinonen@tampere-talo.fi

Elsa Vähänen
Communications Specialist, Tampere Hall Ltd
Phone: +358 40 5512 739
Email: elsa.vahanen@tampere-talo.fi



Mika Kares. Photo: Maik Schulze
Mika Kares. Photo: Maik Schulze
Marjukka Tepponen. Photo: Ville Paasimaa
Marjukka Tepponen. Photo: Ville Paasimaa
Tampere Opera's Don Carlos. Photo: Saara Salmi
Tampere Opera's Don Carlos. Photo: Saara Salmi


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