Do you keep your Wi-Fi modem inside your switchboard? DNA’s specialist evaluates 10 common internet myths
Over the years, we have all surely dealt with a slow or malfunctioning internet connection and tried various tricks to improve the coverage and speed of our internet connection. DNA has compiled some general claims about the functioning of your internet connection and how to improve it. The company’s VP, Networks, Jarkko Laari will now assess whether or not they are true.

Claim 1: Your internet connection will improve if you open the curtains or a window.
Partly true: In terms of a WiFi connection or a wireless 4G or 5G modem, metal structures, such as selective glass or blinds, may weaken the signal. However, normal glass or fabric curtains do not have the same effect. A fixed internet connection with a cable is not affected in any way.
Claim 2: You must restart your internet connection regularly for it to remain good.
Partly true: If we are talking about wireless 4G or 5G modems, you do not need to restart them. However, it can happen that a device works better after a restart but, in this case, the device must be defective in some way in terms of software. I recommend getting a good enough device right from the start, as you may regret saving a few euros later on. If you are unsure about what kind of a device you should purchase, all devices recommended by operators have been reviewed thoroughly and are considered good.
Claim 3: Keep your wireless Wi-Fi, 4G or 5G modem away from interfering materials.
True: Placing a modem inside or behind certain materials, such as metal structures, can significantly weaken the signal and reduce the quality of the connection. A typical example is a mistake made by many, which is to put your wireless Wi-Fi modem inside the switchboard along with other cables. While this is certainly convenient in terms of your interior design, the metal door of the switchboard will weaken the connection significantly.
Claim 4: A wireless 4G or 5G modem must be restarted twice in a row for a better connection.
False: This is simply not true.
Claim 5: Your internet connection works better in sunny weather, so you should download large files on a sunny summer day.
Partly true: If we are talking about a wireless mobile connection, humidity or, for example, damp snow may affect how the signal is transmitted. Moisture can accumulate in vegetation and structures and weaken the transmission of the mobile signal slightly more compared to dry and low-humidity conditions. This is reflected in network-level statistics so that the quality of the network is at its best in dry below-zero weather in January–February and at its lowest in the humid months of August–September. However, the difference is not that significant, and there are many other factors that can impact the quality of the connection.
Claim 6: You may want to try locking your 4G or 5G modem to a specific bandwidth that is not used by your neighbours.
False: This is not true. An individual user is not assigned their “own permanent bandwidth”, as the base station allocates capacity on the basis of a resource allocation algorithm. On average, a new terminal with the latest technical capabilities and a fast subscription achieves better data speeds than older terminals and slower subscriptions.
Claim 7: If your home 4G or 5G connection keeps breaking, try moving your modem somewhere else.
True: This might help. Typically, the mobile signal is strongest indoors near windows. Indoor coverage may also vary depending on which side of the building the nearest mobile base station is located. A fixed outdoor modem will always provide the best possible coverage and the most reliable data connection. However, if your connection is constantly breaking, you probably need to replace your device.
Claim 8: A 4G or 5G wireless modem should not be located behind a concrete wall or other obstacle.
Partly true: The signal can travel through wall structures, but the thicker and larger the mass is or the more metal-containing material there is between the mobile base station and the router, the more the signal weakens and the slower the data connection becomes. A fixed outdoor Mokkula will usually always provide the best data connection as at least the structural weakening of the building is omitted. Often, an outdoor Mokkula can also be placed higher than a table router, which also reduces the weakening effect caused by the surrounding buildings and trees.
Claim 9: It is a good idea to raise your mobile phone or mobile modem as high as possible to make the internet work better.
True and false: As in the previous claim, an outdoor Mokkula can be placed higher than a table router, which reduces the weakening effect caused by, for example, the surrounding buildings and trees. On the other hand, inside a building, it is usually most important for the coverage that there are as few fixed structures as possible between the Mokkula and the base station. A downstairs windowsill may therefore be a better location than a closed attic.
Claim 10: The charge level of your mobile phone’s battery impacts the functionality of the internet.
True and false: Typically, this is not the case, but some device manufacturers may have power-saving features that maximise battery life when the charge level drops below a certain limit. In this case, your phone may automatically limit its performance and the use of the Internet.
Further information for the media:
Jarkko Laari, VP, Networks, DNA Plc, tel. +358 (0)44 044 4949,
DNA Corporate Communications, tel. +358 (0)44 044 8000,
DNA is one of the leading telecommunications companies in Finland. Our purpose is to connect you to what matters most. We offer connections, services and devices for homes and workplaces, contributing to the digitalisation of society. Already for years, DNA customers have been among the world leaders in mobile data usage. DNA has about 3.7 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The company has been awarded numerous times as an excellent employer and family-friendly workplace. In 2023, our total revenues was EUR 1,067 million and we employed about 1,700 people around Finland. DNA is a part of Telenor Group, a leading telecommunications company across the Nordics. More information:, Facebook and LinkedIn @DNA-Oyj.
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