Finnish Gaming Experts and Legal Gaming Attorneys at Law Partner to Support Gambling Companies Entering the Finnish Market


Finnish Gaming Experts and Legal Gaming Attorneys at Law have signed a partnership agreement that enables both companies to enhance their services for gambling companies looking to enter the Finnish market.

The collaboration aims to ensure that gambling industry marketing and business operations comply with all regulatory requirements and responsible gaming principles as the market opens in Finland.

"Our partnership with Legal Gaming Attorneys at Law provides us with an even stronger foundation to offer marketing services within the Finnish gambling industry. As regulations continue to evolve, we ensure that our clients’ marketing strategies remain compliant and that they have access to the best possible operational models. Additionally, we advise operators' partners, such as media houses and event organizers, to help them navigate marketing-related matters clearly and reliably," says Titti Myhrberg, CEO of Finnish Gaming Experts.

"We are very pleased with the opportunity to collaborate with Finnish Gaming Experts. This partnership allows us to offer even more extensive and tailored services to those interested in entering the Finnish market," says Minna Ripatti, Founding Partner of Legal Gaming Attorneys at Law.

Through this collaboration, Finnish Gaming Experts can provide its clients with deeper expertise in iGaming marketing, while Legal Gaming Attorneys at Law brings its legal expertise directly into the marketing processes. This ensures gambling companies have a safe and responsible entry into the Finnish market.

Legal Gaming Attorneys at Law – Legal Expertise for the Gaming Industry

Legal Gaming Attorneys at Law offers tailored legal services and consultancy for companies operating in the gambling industry, as well as those considering entering the market. The firm specializes in gambling regulation, licensing, risk management, and compliance, drawing on extensive experience in the international gambling industry and the development of the Finnish gambling sector.

Finnish Gaming Experts – Marketing and Branding Professionals

The founding team of Finnish Gaming Experts consists of marketing and communication professionals from various industries, with expertise ranging from executive-level marketing to the gaming sector. The company provides strategic support, market entry services, and comprehensive brand management across all channels, helping gaming companies establish a strong and positive presence as the Finnish market opens. Finnish Gaming Experts is committed to responsible marketing and regulatory compliance.

Through this partnership, both companies can offer gaming operators a comprehensive service package that combines legal expertise with effective marketing strategies.

More information and enquiries

Legal Gaming Attorneys at Law: Minna Ripatti, Founding Partner, Attorney at Law,

Finnish Gaming Experts: Titti Myhrberg, Founding Partner, CEO,


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