Commu App is the Best Sustainable Innovation for Cities in the Nordics!
Commu App has won the prestigious Nordic PropTech Awards for being the best sustainable innovation for cities. The award was granted in recognition of Commu’s significant contribution to the promotion of sustainable cities, civic assistance, and neighborhood communities. Commu is an app that connects people in need of help with those willing to assist them locally. With the app, users can easily request and offer help in everyday situations, strengthening community bonds and promoting a sustainable way of life.

Commu is a mobile application that fosters community engagement by providing a platform where residents of cities and municipalities can easily request and offer help in their local areas. Through the app, users can arrange carpooling, pet care, food assistance, social companionship, or volunteer work in local organizations. Karoliina Kauhanen, the founder of Commu, expressed her excitement about the award.
"This is a great day not only for Commu but also for Finland. It is wonderful to see a Finnish innovation receive international recognition and be awarded as the best solution for sustainable city development in the Nordics,” Kauhanen says. “Commu not only fosters community spirit and neighborly assistance but also demonstrates how technology can be utilized to support social responsibility and sustainable urban development—one good deed at a time!”
The award was granted by a jury of industry experts, including representatives from the City of Stockholm, Telia, EIT Urban Mobility, and Coor Service Management. The jury highlighted Commu’s impressive achievements and potential. With over 100,000 users and more than 30,000 good deeds facilitated through the app, Commu plays a key role in strengthening communities and advancing sustainable urban development.
Community Building is a Shared Responsibility
Several Finnish cities have already adopted Commu to enhance local communities and improve residents' well-being. These cities include Harjavalta, Ypäjä, Pälkäne, Forssa, Lapinlahti, Mikkeli, Imatra, Vieremä, Isokyrö, Säkylä, Raasepori, Karstula, Rautalampi, Eurajoki, Pelkosenniemi, Karvia, Raahe, Eura, Karkkila, Hausjärvi, Kruunupyy, Ruokolahti, and Luumäki.Internationally, Commu is also working with the City of Lisbon, the City of Manchester, and the neighboring municipality of Barcelona, Sant Boi de Llobregat, to strengthen community engagement.
Kauhanen expresses gratitude to all Commu users and partners who have played a crucial role in building this marketplace for helping others.
"We must remember that we built Commu completely from scratch. We could not have done it alone. The credit goes to our users and clients who have supported us from the beginning by providing feedback and development suggestions. Thanks to them, we can create the best possible platform for helping others," Kauhanen acknowledges.
Commu is available in multiple languages, including Finnish, English, German, Swedish, Spanish, Portuguese, Norwegian, and Ukrainian, making it accessible to diverse linguistic communities. According to Kauhanen, it is particularly exciting that the Finnish traditions of volunteering, caring, and community engagement are receiving international recognition.
"This is a proud moment for Finland. The award demonstrates that we can be pioneers in creating human-centered, responsible, and sustainable urban solutions."
Karoliina KauhanenCommu

Commu is "Tinder for Good Deeds" - Download Commu now!
Commu is a Finnish community-based mobile app designed to connect people who need help with those willing to offer assistance in their local area. It fosters social responsibility, civic engagement, and sustainable urban development by providing an easy-to-use platform for requesting and offering help.
What Can You Do with Commu?
Through the app, users can:
✅ Offer or request help in everyday situations (e.g., running errands, moving assistance)
✅ Arrange carpooling to reduce environmental impact
✅ Provide or seek pet care and babysitting services
✅ Offer or receive food aid to minimize waste and support those in need
✅ Find volunteer opportunities in local organizations
✅ Connect with neighbors for social companionship
Who Uses Commu?
- Individuals looking to help or receive assistance
- Cities and municipalities aiming to strengthen local communities
- Nonprofits and organizations seeking volunteers
- Businesses promoting corporate social responsibility
Why Is It Important?
Commu promotes community-driven sustainability, reduces social isolation, and encourages responsible resource-sharing. With over 100,000 users and more than 30,000 good deeds completed through the app, it is playing a major role in building stronger, more connected communities.
The app is available in multiple languages, including Finnish, English, German, Swedish, Spanish, Portuguese, Norwegian, and Ukrainian, making it accessible to diverse populations.

Alternative languages
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