Helsingin kaupunki, kaupunkiympäristön toimiala

New centre and 800 new residents in Mellunmäki


A new bus terminal as well as a tram terminus, shops, brick-and-mortar commercial premises and housing for 800 people are being planned near the Mellunmäki metro station. The transport routes in the area will be completely redesigned.

The centre of Mellunmäki may look like this in the future.
The centre of Mellunmäki may look like this in the future. Voima Graphics Oy

The area surrounding the Mellunmäki metro station will be reformed into a dense and diverse district centre. A detailed plan will be drawn up for the area, which will enable the improvement of services and the construction of new homes.

The plans include new housing for approximately 800 homeowners, renters, students and senior citizens. The plan is to demolish the current K-Supermarket Masi building and student housing building and replace them with new construction. More housing will be built in areas that are currently used for parking. In the future, parking spaces will be located in car parks .

In addition to housing, two supermarkets, one smaller local shop and brick-and-mortar commercial premises are planned for the Mellunmäki centre. The floor area of commercial premises will be doubled. One of the buildings will also house a private daycare centre.

Passageways to be reformed and stream ecosystem restored

The new detailed plan includes a complete overhaul of local transport arrangements. The current plan is to rebuild the streets and squares almost entirely. This needs to be done because infill development will cause changes to be made in the area’s transport connections, streets and squares.

Public transport connections in Mellunmäki will be further improved when the light rail from Vantaa to Mellunmäki is completed in 2029, according to estimates. Indeed, a tram line terminus and a new bus terminal are being planned near the metro station.

The plans also include a route reserved for public transport, which would run from the current Pallaksentie to Hetanaukio square along Pallaksenpolku and from there onto Länsimäentie.

The traffic arrangements of Länsimäentie and Mellunmäentie will be overhauled. The underpass tunnels in the junction area and the Aarteenetsijänsilta bridge will be replaced by junctions with traffic lights. The underpasses will be removed to be able to place infill development near the junction. Aarteenetsijänsilta bridge has to be removed because the new bus terminal will be built in its place.

The plans aim at improving the comfort of streets. The option of having Mellunkylänpuro stream run through the Mellunmäki centre for at least some of the way will be examined during the planning process. The stream is currently running inside a pipe underneath Mellunmäki centre.

Plan material available for comment until 30 March 2025

You can provide your view on the plans concerning Mellunmäki centre on the Kerrokantasi (Voice your opinion) website until 30 March, which is also the date on which the draft material will be available for viewing for the last time.

The plans for the area will also be presented during a plan walk held at 17.00 on 20 March. The walk will start from near the metro station entrance on Hetanaukio square.

After preparation, the plan proposal will likely be presented to the Urban Environment Committee in late autumn.

The objective is to start construction in accordance with the new detailed plan in 2027.


Jussi Ukkonen
architect, detailed planning
Urban Environment Division
tel. +358 (0)9 310 20516


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