Helsinki Airport selected again as the best airport in Europe in its size category
Passengers have selected Helsinki Airport as the best airport in Europe in terms of customer experience in the 15–25 million passenger size category. The Airport Service Quality (ASQ) Award given to the Finnish airport company Finavia is based on an annual international survey involving 400 airports in 95 countries. The award is given annually by Airports Council International (ACI), the international umbrella organisation for airports.

“We are very proud that our work to develop the customer experience at Helsinki Airport has received international recognition year after year. Customer satisfaction at our airport has increased over the long term, and the result for 2024 is the highest in the airport's history,” says Ulla Serlenius, Finavia’s Helsinki Airport Director.
In recent years, Finavia has completely renewed the Helsinki Airport terminal, including the Departures hall, security control, shops and restaurants, Arrivals hall, parking and travel centre. Most recently, the lounges in Helsinki Airport's Schengen gate area have been renovated and a hair salon and a pharmacy have opened in the Arrivals hall.
The digital customer experience has also been developed by launching the free MyFlight service for passengers, which offers personalised tips for visiting the airport. In addition, Finavia is piloting the predicted queue time for security control at Helsinki Airport on its website.
“Helsinki Airport is one of the best airports in the world in terms of customer experience, and the award is a testament to our passengers' satisfaction with the airport's renovations. We will continue our work by listening carefully to the passengers' requests and following the trends,” says Serlenius.
The international ASQ Award is based on a continuous measurement of customer satisfaction and service quality. In the ASQ survey, air passengers evaluate 30 different service categories at different stages of the passenger journey. These include guidance, customer service and check-in, as well as shopping and dining options. Every year, about 4,000 air passengers are interviewed at Helsinki Airport for the survey.
Helsinki Airport, managed and developed by Finavia, has won the ASQ Award six times in the last seven years. The award was granted in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023 and most recently in 2024.
“My thanks go to the entire airport community. A world-class customer experience is built cooperatively, and the contribution of everyone working at the airport is valuable,” says Serlenius.
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Information about Finavia
The airport company Finavia manages and develops 20 airports in Finland. Smooth and high-quality services for airlines and passengers are at the heart of our business. We develop connectivity and good flight connections. We are committed to acting responsibly to promote sustainable air travel. In 2023, Finavia Group’s turnover amounted to EUR 360 million and it had 2,540 employees.
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