MUSH-brand grows rapidly and internationally – Snellman plans to build a new pet food factory in Pedersöre
A pioneer in biologically adapted raw foods for pets, Snellman Group’s Petfood business unit has started planning a new factory in Pedersöre, Ostrobothnia, to produce raw food for dogs and cats.

The popular MUSH-brand is among others one of products produced by Snellman’s Petfood. An application for an environmental and building permit for a modern pet food factory was submitted to the municipality of Pedersöre in early March 2025.
“We want to respond to the growing demand for raw foods that promote the well-being of dogs and cats. The new factory would be a significant step in implementing the growth strategy of Snellman’s pet food business and for our commitment to natural raw pet food and the well-being of pets. It would enable larger scale production of raw pet food,” says Magnus Pettersson, Director, Snellman Petfood business unit.
The latest production technology and efficient energy solutions are the leading drivers of the planned factory. Both environmental and sustainable development considerations would be taken into account in the building of the factory. The heat from freezing of the food will be used via heat exchangers to heat washing water and offices. The freezing of the petfood in this state-of-the-art factory will be done with modern spiral freezers that freeze the dog and cat food in under an hour.
Both Snellman Group and its pet food business have roots and production in Pietarsaari and Pedersöre, Ostrobothnia, which is why it was natural to start planning the building of a new factory in the same area when a suitable plot of land was found.
“We are delighted with the plans by Snellman Group and MUSH-brand in Pedersöre. The new factory will further strengthen the offering of an already successful brand. It is important for the municipality of Pedersöre to create conditions for the growth and development of companies. We believe that the investment in Edsevö area is perfectly timed, and we are also pleased with our good dialogue on this important development project,” comments Stefan Svenfors, Mayor of Pedersöre.
Snellman's pet food business, which has been part of Snellman Group since 2011, has always focused on raw food. Its market share has grown steadily as the pet food market has grown and diversified. It is the largest producer of raw dog and cat food in the Nordic countries. In addition to Finland, it operates in Sweden and Norway, and its MUSH-brand is also sold in some other European countries, such as Germany.
"The pet food market and the raw pet food segment in particular has grown rapidly in recent years. We expect this trend to continue. Pet owners have a growing desire to provide their pets with natural food, as experience has proven that the natural food is the most fitting choice. The new factory enables us to increase the exports of our products, which would strengthen our position especially in the Nordic countries, but also in the growing international markets,” Pettersson continues.
In the next step of the permit process, the municipality of Pedersöre consults the factory’s neighbours and other interested parties, after which the permit is processed by the municipal committees and finally by the building committee in May. The construction of the new factory can start next summer, if a building permit is granted.
Further information:
Magnus Pettersson, Director, Snellman Petfood tel. +358 44 538 6389, email:
Vilma Wiitakorpi Björkman, Chief Communication and Sustainability Officer, Snellman Group, tel. +358 50 3080879, e-mail:
Stefan Svenfors, Mayor, Pedersöre municipality, tel. 050 5120420, e-mail: stefan.svenfors@pedersö
Snellman Petfood:
Snellman Petfood has been bringing the joy of natural nutrition to pets since 2011. Our mission is to provide nutritious and balanced raw food because it is naturally best for dogs and cats. We produce frozen raw food, treats and freeze-dried products under the brands MUSH, Fodax and Raw for Paw. In addition to Finland, Sweden and Norway, the MUSH product family is sold in several other countries. Fodax and Raw for Paw have established themselves in Sweden. We have factories in Pietarsaari in Finland and in Nässjö in Sweden. In 2024, our turnover was approximately EUR 25 million, and we have more than 90 dedicated employees who contribute to the well-being of pets every day.
Snellman Group:
Snellman Group is a Finnish food house that offers the best tastes under the most trusted brands on the market. As a family business, we manufacture our products as if we were making them for ourselves, always bearing in mind the well-being of people, animals and the environment. In addition to Finland, Snellman Group has operations in Sweden, and we export our products to several countries. We employ around 2,000 passionate experts and food professionals who put their heart into making food and never compromise on taste.
Magnus PetterssonDirector, Snellman Petfood
Tel:+358 44 538 6389magnus.pettersson@mushbarf.fiVilma Wiitakorpi-BjörkmanChief Communications and Sustainability OfficerOy Snellman Ab

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