Hanken student William Engblom receives Anders Wall Scholarship
William Engblom, founder of Hashlist, has been awarded the Anders Wall scholarship of 200 000 SEK. With a background in motorsport and a passion for innovation, he has built a platform that matches technical experts with the needs of the automotive industry.

From a young age, William had an interest in motorsport and started with go-karting, a sport that requires quick decisions and risk-taking.
"Motorsport taught me early on to make quick decisions and be prepared to take calculated risks. I have carried that mentality with me into my entrepreneurship, where you have to be brave but also think long-term and see the potential in difficult situations," says William.
At Hanken, he and his current team identified a problem in the automotive industry: traditional consulting firms were often inefficient and expensive for car companies in need of specialised expertise. The solution became Hashlist, an AI-driven platform that automatically connects companies with the right consultant for the job.
"It was a natural development of my experiences and insights. I wanted to find a way to make the consulting industry more efficient and accessible while maintaining high quality in the experts we connect with our clients," he explains.
Today, Hashlist has grown into an internationally recognised platform with over 60,000 registered consultants and collaborations with companies such as Toyota and Continental. Every month, more than 5,000 technical specialists register.
The successes have attracted investors, including the founders behind Finnish unicorns Wolt and Aiven. The company has secured approximately 1 million euros in funding, and during 2025, net revenues are estimated to 1 million euros.
"It feels honorable to receive the scholarship and become part of the Wallumn network. I am extremely grateful and excited about what I can contribute," says William.
The scholarship was presented at the Anders Wall Foundation's scholarship ceremony in Stockholm on 10 March 2025.
The Anders Wall Foundation annually awards 5 MSEK in scholarships to young entrepreneurial talents in the fields of research, young entrepreneurship, international studies, and culture.
More information:
William Engblom
Phone: +358 45 867 0120
E-mail: william@hashlist.com
Hanken School of Economics is a leading, internationally accredited university with over a hundred years of experience in education and research in economics and business administration. The research is of a high standard and constitutes the foundation of all teaching. Hanken has close ties to the business community and an active alumni network with over 16 000 alumni in 70 countries worldwide.
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