Fingrid Oyj

Supplement to the proposals of Fingrid Oyj’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board to the Annual General Meeting 2025


On 31 January 2025, Fingrid Oyj published the proposals of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board to the Annual General Meeting 2025. Fingrid supplements the published release as follows:

In addition to the already published proposals, the Shareholders’ Nomination Board proposes that Eeva-Liisa Virkkunen will be elected as Fingrid’s new Board member for the term of office ending at the end of the next Annual General Meeting. In addition, Shareholders’ Nomination Board proposes that Eeva-Liisa Virkkunen would be elected as the Chair of the Board of Directors.

Eeva-Liisa Virkkunen, M.Sc. (Business Economics), Finnish citizen. Virkkunen acts as a chair of the board for Sotkamo Silver Oy, as a vice chair of the board for Länsirata Oy, as a vice chair of the board for Neova Oy, and as a board member for Robit Oyj. In addition, she acts as a chair of the Audit Committees for the above-mentioned boards. Virkkunen will resign from her position in the board of Neova Oy.

Earlier Virkkunen has acted as a CFO for Metso Outotec Oyj/Metso Oyj during the years 2014–2020, as a CFO for Metso Minerals Oy during the years 2007–2014, as a CFO for Metso Automation Oy during the years 2002–2007, as a CFO for Oy Rettig Ab during the years 1999–2002, as a CFO for AB Sandvik Mining & Construction during the years 1998–1999, as a CFO for Tamrock Oy during the years 1995–1998 and as a CFO for Huhtamäki Oy Leaf Finland during the years 1992–1995.

Eeva-Liisa Virkkunen is independent of the company and its significant shareholders. Virkkunen has given her consent to her appointment.

Additional information about the members proposed by Fingrid’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board is available on the company’s website. The Nomination Board’s proposals will be included in the invitation to the Annual General Meeting.

Contact information:
General Counsel, SVP Marina Louhija
tel. +358 40 519 0627

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Fingrid is Finland’s transmission system operator. We secure reliable electricity for our customers and society, and we shape the clean and market-oriented electricity system of the future.

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