Kempower and TSG drive public transport operator SETA’s e-bus transition in Italy’s Emilia-Romagna region with the opening of two ultra-fast charging depots
The Finnish DC fast-charging manufacturer Kempower has partnered with mobility infrastructure specialist TSG Italia to deliver two new e-bus charging sites in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy. Local public transport operator SETA’s bus depots in Reggio Emilia and Piacenza have been equipped with enough ultra-fast charging points to cater for more than 50 vehicles in total, which will support the public transport operator’s ongoing transition to electric buses.

Kempower and TSG Italia join forces to bring e-bus charging to Reggio Emilia and Piacenza
More than 50 ultra-fast charging points have been installed across the two towns as SETA prepares to operate its 21 e-buses
The development supports SETA’s EUR 142 million pledge to reduce the carbon emissions of its fleet
REGGIO EMILIA, ITALY - Finnish DC fast-charging manufacturer Kempower has partnered with mobility infrastructure specialist TSG Italia to deliver two new e-bus charging sites in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy. Local public transport operator SETA’s bus depots in Reggio Emilia and Piacenza have been equipped with enough ultra-fast charging points to cater for more than 50 vehicles in total, which will support the public transport operator’s ongoing transition to electric buses.
Both bus depots have been equipped with Kempower Satellites, each capable of delivering a power up to 180 kW to the connected vehicle, and Kempower Power Units, delivering a total power of between 1200 kW and 1300 kW to each site. The Reggio Emilia depot has been equipped with 26 Satellites while the Piacenza depot is equipped with 25, meaning SETA has 51 new ultra-fast bus charging points to support its growing electric fleet.
The charging power delivered by Kempower’s system will facilitate the full recharging of SETA’s e-buses at the depot overnight, meaning normal daily service hours can remain unchanged with no disruption or impact on profitability. Kempower chargers are also capable of dynamic power sharing, meaning the total available power from each Power Unit is shared between Satellites based on the real-time charging needs of each connected e-bus. Unlike static charging, where power is split evenly but indiscriminately between EVs, this technology optimizes charging speed and efficiency.
The infrastructure was installed by TSG Fleet, TSG’s department for commercial fleet projects. Kempower and TSG have already collaborated on a number of EV infrastructure projects across Europe for both public and fleet charging stations, with Kempower supplying the technology and TSG delivering the planning, installation and maintenance.
The project will bolster SETA’s electrification policy which has seen the firm pledge over EUR 142 million across 2021-2026 to replace more than 420 vehicles - or around 50% of its fleet circulating Modena, Reggio Emilia and Piacenza - in favour of low- or zero-emission vehicles.
“We are delighted to once again partner with TSG Italia to bring fast-charging to the Emilia-Romagna region. SETA has ambitious electrification plans which demand market-leading, ultra-fast charging to power a growing electric bus fleet. Our charging technology, combined with TSG’s expertise in installation, will allow SETA to seamlessly integrate its new e-buses into the fleet and achieve its goals, whilst providing the same top-tier service to communities across the region,” said Marco Bettega, Kempower’s Head of Sales, Italy.
“Reggio Emilia and Piacenza charging sites are excellent practical examples of how distributed charging infrastructure, consisting of Power Units and Satellites, enables highly functional layouts, which minimize the impact on the internal mobility of the depot,” said Carlo Carnelli, EV Business Unit Manager for TSG Italia.
“The installation and activation of the Kempower equipment were completed smoothly, thanks in part to the on-site support from Kempower technicians. Once again, the collaboration between TSG Italia and Kempower proved to be a key strength in ensuring customer satisfaction,” Carnelli continued.
Following the completion of the two charging stations, SETA has already received six e-buses - three for each of the two depots - and is expecting to receive 15 new e-buses by 2026, bringing its electric fleet to a total of 21 units.
Kempower Media
Fredrik Palmén, Communications Manager, Kempower
+358 44 420 1887
Kempower in brief
We design and manufacture reliable and user-friendly DC fast-charging solutions for electric vehicles. Our vision is to create the world’s most desired EV charging solutions for everyone, everywhere. Our product development and production are based in Finland and in the U.S., with the majority of our materials and components sourced locally. We focus on all areas of e-mobility, from electric cars, trucks, and buses to machines and marine. Our modular and scalable charging system and world-class software are designed by EV drivers for EV drivers, enabling the best user experience for our customers around the world. Kempower is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki Stock Exchange in Finland.
Fredrik PalménCommunications ManagerKempower
Tel:+358 29 0021900fredrik.palmen@kempower.comSubscribe to releases from Kempower Oyj
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