Helsinki seeks operator for Haltiala Farm – concept competition to be decided by committee
The city is organising a competition to find a new operator and owner of the Haltiala farm. The concept competition and sale of the buildings will be on the agenda of the Urban Environment Committee’s meeting on 18 March.

The city is organising a competition to find a new operator and owner of the Haltiala farm. The concept competition and sale of the buildings will be on the agenda of the Urban Environment Committee’s meeting on 18 March.
Haltiala farm is a family favourite year-round destination, where visitors can get to see various farm animals, such as sheep and cows. Haltiala farm is located in northern Helsinki by Vantaanjoki river, in the Tuomarinkylä area. The farm and its nearby buildings at Kellarimäki and Niskala are owned by the City of Helsinki.
New operations alongside the farm
Agriculture and tourism entrepreneurs with experience of running an animal farm and similar business, or groups thereof, are invited to join this competition.
In this competition, the city is seeking a high-quality and viable proposal in which the farm animals and buildings are sold to a buyer, who will renovate the buildings. The proposal may be focused on agritourism, accommodation and restaurant activities, or recreation. The city aims to develop the services in the area with an eye on variety.
Environmental education or cultural history services are also a possibility, but the farm must have a place in any new concept.
There are a total of 29 buildings/structures in the Haltiala, Kellarimäki and Niskala areas, most of which are protected. Additionally, there are many open plots in the Haltiala and Niskala areas. Construction of a new building to replace the former main building of the Haltiala farm is possible, but doing so requires a discussion with the City Museum.
“This is an opportunity to expand what’s on offer and provide residents with a larger variety of services. For instance, small-scale accommodation may be possible – however, there won’t be an amusement park in Haltiala,” says Project Manager Anu Hämäläinen from the City of Helsinki.
Landscape and natural values must be taken into account
The new concept must strengthen and take the landscape and natural values of the area as well as biodiversity into account. Any proposed operations must be suitable for the valuable manor area. In addition to the nature, a key attraction factor for the area is its heart – a real, functional farm.
“We hope that competition participants consider the seasonal opportunities and think about what is the best way they can respond to the visitor’s wishes,” says Hämäläinen.
Animals to be sold to the new owner
The animals of the Haltiala farm will be sold to the winner of the concept competition. These are cows, sheep, goats and chickens, currently around 60 animals in total. The concept competition will require the new operator to have experience of animal husbandry or the operation of a similar farm.
Skiing tracks, outdoor routes and fields remain as they are
The outdoor routes and skiing tracks in the Haltiala environment will remain as they are for the residents. It will still be allowed to pick peas and sunflowers from the city-owned fields in summer. A new tenant may be given the opportunity to rent some of the fields.
Urban Environment Committee to discuss the competition at its meeting on 18 March
Haltiala Farm is owned by the City of Helsinki and its operations are run by the city’s Construction Services Stara. Tenants in the area include restaurant Wanha Pehtoori.
The concept competition and sale of the buildings will be on the agenda of the Urban Environment Committee’s meeting on 18 March. The Committee’s agenda will be published online on Friday, 14 March. According to tentative plans, the concept competition is set to begin in spring 2025.
Project Manager Anu Hämäläinen
City of Helsinki, Urban Environment Division
Land property development and plots
tel. +358 9 310 37396
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