Admicom Oyj

Admicom accelerates its AI solution development with €2.4 million research project

The CEO of Admicom, Simo Leisti, believes that together we can find new ways to build better.
The CEO of Admicom, Simo Leisti, believes that together we can find new ways to build better.

Admicom accelerates its AI solution development with €2.4 million research project

The project, partially funded by Business Finland, explores the potential of artificial intelligence in improving productivity in construction and aims to make new AI-based solutions a differentiating factor for Admicom also in the global market.

Aiming for up to 25% more productivity

Admicom is researching how the construction industry can build better by utilising AI. Business Finland supports a research project totalling EUR 2.4 million with approximately EUR 1 million in funding. Admicom's own project investment does not change company's current financial guidance.

Admicom aims to further accelerate customer productivity by up to 25% compared to companies not using Admicom’s solutions.

− I have seen many industries benefit from improved productivity as they adopt new ways of working by adopting digital technologies, most recently AI. I truly believe this will be the case with the construction industry as well. With this research project we want to make sure our future portfolio will focus on the most relevant challenges and where our customers have the most value in terms of productivity improvements, says Simo Leisti, CEO of Admicom.

The research will focus on identifying high impact use cases in construction, exploring and developing relevant AI technologies and their applicability within the industry ecosystem.

− We want to make sure we build our products and capabilities in a customer centric way; therefore, the research will include customer validations as part of the project. Together we can find new ways of building better.

New AI-based solutions also boost international markets

The project’s objective is to develop AI-driven solutions that improve productivity and create new products and features.

− Construction industry is known to be slow to adopt new ways of working and this time it can work as a benefit for the industry. Artificial intelligence is transforming many industries by rapidly digitalising workflows. Now construction industry has a unique opportunity to leap over traditional digitalisation waves and start adopting completely new digital ways of working which significantly improve day to day productivity, safety and sustainability in construction business. We want to accelerate this change by collaborating with customers, researchers and other technology suppliers to find new and innovative ways to improve busy life of construction business, states Teemu Uusitalo, Chief Product Officer at Admicom.

The project also aims to strengthen Admicom's international competitiveness and help it stand out in the global market. Admicom’s target is also to assess international market potential and evaluate possible partnerships.

− We want to become a leading partner in European construction software ecosystem. This research project is one significant step towards that goal. Our mission is clear: to find new ways to build better − together, emphasises Leisti.

For further information please contact:

Simo Leisti
+358 40 059 0511

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