Preparation of a national programme to reduce skin cancer caused by UV radiation started
The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK), commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, has started to prepare a national programme to reduce skin cancer caused by UV radiation. The aim of the programme, which will be prepared and implemented in 2024 – 2027, is to increase the efficiency of work to prevent skin cancer.

The number of skin cancer cases has increased significantly in Finland in recent decades. Today, more than 10,000 Finns are diagnosed with various skin cancers each year and approximately 250 people die of skin cancer. The number of skin cancers is predicted to continue to rise in the future. Skin cancers cause human suffering to cancer patients and persons close to them and put a strain on the healthcare system. Most skin cancers could be prevented with effective sun protection.
The national programme coordinated by STUK aims to take into account exposure to UV radiation from the sun in different situations and highlight possible measures to reduce exposure as far as possible.
People are exposed to UV radiation in, for example, early childhood education, schools, leisure activities, workplaces and when moving around outdoors in general.
In addition to measures aimed at people, such as increasing risk awareness and protection capabilities, it is possible to reduce exposure to UV radiation through measures targeted at the built environment, such as increasing shadow spots in outdoor areas. The programme also pays attention to the early detection of skin cancers.
The topic concerns organisations operating in a wide range of industries. Therefore, the national UV programme will be worked on in close cooperation with the network of operators established in late 2024. The steering group, consisting of representatives from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and STUK, is responsible for the progress of the work.
"For STUK, the prevention of the harms of UV radiation has been based on active communication and guidance. However, preventing health hazards is a multidisciplinary issue and a shared responsibility. The aim of the network of authorities, health care, organisations and research institutes is to enhance cooperation and create a uniform strategy for reducing the adverse effects of UV radiation in Finland," says Tommi Toivonen, Director of Radiation Practices Regulation at STUK.
During 2025, the network will draw up a national action programme to prevent skin cancers caused by UV radiation. The programme will be implemented in 2026 and its effectiveness will be assessed in 2027. To
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