President of Ukraine to visit Finland
Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Press release 17/2025
18 March 2025
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska will pay an official visit to Finland on Wednesday 19 March 2025. The visit will be hosted by President of the Republic of Finland Alexander Stubb and his spouse Suzanne Innes-Stubb.
The visit will begin with a welcoming ceremony in the courtyard of the Presidential Palace in Helsinki.
The formal talks held at the Presidential Palace will focus on Finland’s support for Ukraine and steps to end Russia’s war of aggression. In addition to the Presidents, the discussions will be attended by, among others, Minister of Finance Riikka Purra, Minister of Defence Antti Häkkänen and Minister of Foreign Affairs Elina Valtonen.
At the end of the discussions, the Presidents will hold a joint press conference.
When the talks continue after the press conference, representatives of defence industry companies will also join in.
President Zelenskyy’s programme will also include meetings with the Speaker of Parliament Jussi Halla-aho and Prime Minister Petteri Orpo.
In the afternoon, President Stubb and President Zelenskyy and their spouses will meet students at the University of Helsinki, and the Presidents will take part in a discussion session.
To conclude the day, the Presidents will learn about civil protection.
During the visit, Mrs Suzanne Innes-Stubb and Mrs Olena Zelenska will have a separate programme in addition to the joint programme. They will visit a primary school accompanied by Minister of Education Anders Adlercreutz. The programme also includes a meeting with the Rector of the University of Helsinki, the President of Tampere University and professors from both universities.
President Stubb and President Zelenskyy last met in London on 2 March.
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