Tasavallan presidentin kanslia

Open house at the residence of the President of the Republic of Finland


Office of the President of the Republic of Finland
Press release 18/2025
20 March 2025

The public will have the opportunity to visit the temporary residence of the President of the Republic of Finland in Munkkiniemi, Helsinki, on Saturday 29 March 2025 between 11.00 and 16.00. Visitors arriving before 15.00 will be admitted, but no new queuers will be allowed after this time.

The visit will take place in the public areas of the residence. During the short tour, visitors will have access to three different rooms, each featuring contemporary art selected by the presidential couple. The tour is not guided, but questions about the premises and the works of art on display will be answered by staff from the Office of the President of the Republic of Finland and the artists. The tour is estimated to take approximately 20 minutes.

Open house events have been held at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki in 2009, 2011, 2015 and 2017.

For more information on the temporary residence of the President of the Republic, click here.

Instructions for visitors

The doors of the temporary residence of the President of the Republic of Finland will be open to the public on Saturday 29 March 2025 from 11.00 to 16.00. Visitors arriving before 15.00 will still be admitted, but no new queuers will be allowed after this time.

The entrance is at Kalastajatorpantie 3 (main doors). Visitors are invited to enter from the direction of Uimarinpolku. The tour starts at the main entrance and passes through the dining room and the reception room with a fireplace. The tour ends at the side entrance of the residence.

Visitors are reminded that there are no cloakrooms and that they must keep their outer clothing with them during the tour. Bags or rucksacks cannot be taken on the tour. Prams and pushchairs are not permitted, but can be left in a guarded area outside the residence. Wheelchair users will be guided along an accessible route. Photography for personal use is permitted, but commercial photography is prohibited.

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