Kela reimbursement to be introduced for physiotherapy – reimbursements for dental care and gynaecologists' fees to be increased
Parliament has decided on expanded Kela reimbursement for private healthcare costs from 1 May 2025 onwards. The expansion affects physiotherapy, dental care and gynaecological examinations and treatment.
Parliament has decided on expanded Kela reimbursement for private healthcare costs from 1 May 2025 onwards. Kela reimbursement will be reintroduced for physiotherapy costs, and reimbursement will be available for dental hygienists' appointments made without a referral from a dentist. The Kela reimbursement for the costs of dental care and gynaecological treatments will also increase. These changes are part of the Government's plans to reform Kela reimbursements in stages.
Kela reimbursement to be reintroduced for physiotherapy
Kela will provide reimbursement for physiotherapy costs from 1 May 2025 onwards. The reimbursement is available for up to four physiotherapy appointments per calendar year. These appointments do not require a referral from a doctor. The last time Kela offered a reimbursement for physiotherapy costs was in 2022, when reimbursements were received by approximately 143,000 customers and the amount of reimbursements paid was about EUR 7.3 million.
Expanded reimbursement for treatments provided by dental hygienists and a higher reimbursement for dental care
As of 1 May 2025, customers will be able to claim Kela reimbursement twice per calendar year for the costs of examinations or treatment provided by a dental hygienist without a referral from a dentist. The Kela reimbursement for a dental and oral health examination will also be available as before, i.e. once in two years. As before, customers who have a referral from a dentist will be able to claim Kela reimbursement for up to 15 appointments with a dental hygienist over the span of two years. The Kela reimbursement for dental care costs will be increased on 1 May 2025. In 2024, altogether 934,657 customers were reimbursed for private dental care costs. The total amount of reimbursement paid by Kela for private dental care costs in that year was about EUR 50 million.
Increases to the reimbursement available for gynaecological treatment and examinations
The Kela reimbursement available for the costs of gynaecological treatment and examinations will be increased on 1 May 2025. In 2024, approximately 260,000 customers were reimbursed a total amount of about EUR 8.6 million for the costs of gynaecologist appointments.
The grounds and maximum amounts of reimbursement (i.e. reimbursement rates) are set down by government decree. Kela confirms the reimbursement rates and publishes a list of the rates.
“These changes are part of the Government’s plans to reform Kela reimbursements in stages. The aim is to improve access to care and customers’ freedom of choice in addition to increasing efficiency,” says Merja Larikka, Senior Coordinator at Kela.
Riikka PalomäkiBenefits ManagerKela
Tel:050 435 1763firstname.lastname@kela.fiMerja LarikkaSenior CoordinatorKela
Tel:050 470 0630firstname.lastname@kela.fiKela's Communications UnitFor media enquiries, please contact us between 9:00 and 16:00, Monday to Friday. This number can be used for interview requests, which we will be happy to forward to an appropriate source at Kela. You can also submit interview requests by email.
Tel:+358 20 634 7745viestinta@kela.fiAlternative languages
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