AI in Finland: Insights from Prominent Finnish Influencers in a New Interview Series
Artificial intelligence stands as a revolutionary force, molding the way we live, work, and lead. The video interview series 'AI in Finland,' crafted by Haaga-Helia University, elucidates the role of AI in the daily lives and professional journeys of eleven Finnish influencers.
In the interview series ‘AI in Finland,' produced by Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, a profound exploration unfolds into the transformative effects and potential of artificial intelligence across diverse domains of life.
The series is dedicated to vividly illustrating AI's role as an innovative collaborator, both within the realm of business and in the fabric of everyday decision-making.
This engaging series features discussions with eleven influential Finnish figures, spanning from President Tarja Halonen to journalist Maria Pettersson, director Aku Louhimies, and renowned restaurateur Henri Alén. Through their anecdotes and perspectives, these individuals share their insights into AI and the multifaceted dimensions we all live in.
AI in Finland series primarily targets small and medium-sized enterprises and business leaders keen on harnessing AI's potential for their operations. Nevertheless, the interview series extends its impact to a wider audience, offering profound insights into AI and its ethical implications by channeling the viewpoints of well-recognized influencers.
Beyond the quartet of Halonen, Pettersson, Louhimies, and Alén, the series amplifies the voices of Heikki Malinen, CEO of Outokumpu; Ilkka Haahtela, Director-General of the Finnish Immigration Service; Li Andersson, Party leader of the Left Alliance; Olympic champion Matti Heikkinen; Minna Hiillos, Director of Haaga-Helia; entrepreneur Peter Vesterbacka; and Bishop Teemu Laajasalo.
Conducting the interviews is Anna Lahtinen, Senior Researcher at Haaga-Helia. You can watch the interviews from our YouTube channel at:
Please note that for English language you have to select English subtitles from the video settings.
The AI in Finland interview series emerges as part of the AI-TIE Southern Finland initiative, designed to cultivate innovation ecosystems that enhance the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Southern Finnish region.
Funding is sourced from the European Regional Development Fund (REACT-EU), in collaboration with the Uusimaa and Kymenlaakso Regional Councils. The project's financing is a strategic response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic within the framework of the European Union's measures.
Read more about the project and the AI in Finland interview series at:
Anna LahtinenHaaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu
Tel:+358 294471253anna.lahtinen@haaga-helia.fiImages
Haaga-Helia opens doors to future careers
Haaga-Helia is a strongly business orientated university of applied sciences in Finland. Through education, research and development, we prepare professionals for business and services. We focus on co-operation, entrepreneurship, innovation and internationality.
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