
AudioVisual Expo Presents Future AV Solutions

The AudioVisual Expo will gather professionals from the industry for a trade show after a four-year break. The event will delve into the design of audiovisual technology and services, as well as intelligent solutions for various audio environments. The event is scheduled for 11-12 Oct, 2023, at the Helsinki Exhibition and Convention Centre.

The upcoming AudioVisual Expo in the autumn will introduce significant changes compared to its previous iteration in 2019. The pandemic has altered the culture of gatherings and elevated the standards of technology, with a focus on advancements in LED and smart technologies. The event is targeted towards professionals in the real estate industry, AV institutions, event venues, theatre builders, architects, and designers. The stage program is mainly in Finnish, but the exhibition itself is international.

Mika Vakkilainen, the Chairperson of Avita ry, notes, "The latest AV technology and services will be showcased at the AudioVisual Expo, providing an excellent opportunity for industry customers to acquaint themselves with the rapidly evolving offerings over recent years."

On the event's program stage, discussions will revolve around the progress of smart technology in the sector and the advancements in EU-level standardization efforts. Experts from the Finnish Association of Metals and Engineering Industries (METSTA), Timo Risku and Jarkko Loima, will shed light on international standardisation processes and the considerations surrounding stage and presentation technology standards.

Conversations about the convergence of AV and IT systems have been ongoing for several years at various levels. Convergence has indeed occurred on multiple fronts, and future AV systems will not solely rely on network-based controls; they will also harness data from building automation systems, IoT devices, and cloud information to offer the intelligence and value expected from tomorrow's AV systems. Kristian Glahn, Senior Specialist in AV and Workspace Technologies at COWI, will introduce this captivating topic in English.

Meanwhile, AV consultant Jaakko Kestilä will delve into the design of audio environments for restaurants, small clubs, and event spaces. Tommi Rosnell, Lighting Expert at Mediatrade, will provide insights into the evolution and development of production models from the perspective of lighting.

The AudioVisual Expo aims to offer tools for AV design in theatre and event industries, as well as intelligent solutions and systems for construction and renovation of spaces. The allocation of exhibition spaces is currently in progress, featuring some of the biggest players in the field, including Audico, Genelec, Kauko, and Intersonic.

For the complete event schedule and list of exhibitors, visit: AudioVisual Expo Program

The AudioVisual Expo will be arranged simultaneously with the Property Fair Kiinteistö, the security technology and services event FinnSec 2023, and the security fair Turvallisuus 2023 professional events on 11-12 Oct, 2023, at the Helsinki Exhibition and Convention Centre.

For more information, visit: | Follow the event: #AudioVisualExpo2023



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