Aulis Lundell and Moomin Characters present MOOMIN by Liune gliding door selection at Naantali Housing Fair

In the licensing agreement Moomin Characters Oy Ltd and Aulis Lundell Oy agree about the use of Moomin characters in Lundell’s Liune gliding doors. Moomin images, just as other art images on Liune doors, are printed either on even, painted solid wood or glass surface, or they are printed on a magnetic sheet that can be applied to all Liune door materials.
At the Housing Fair, the first MOOMIN by Liune doors feature summer themes. The selection will expand in the fall with new themes that fit into the interiors of homes and playrooms.
– We are very happy that our gliding doors symbolically now open to the Moomin Valley. This will be a new adventure in the story of our company. The cooperation with Moomin Characters is a characteristic step for us – we want to show that quality and creativity bring well-being to all people. I also want to thank Moomin Characters for the inspiring discussions we have had concerning design and international brand management, says Leena Lundell, the Chairperson at Aulis Lundell Oy.
– We are very glad to start this cooperation with Aulis Lundell Oy. The company represents Finnish entrepreneurship at its best, and we believe that the combination of Finnish expertise and the values the Moomins stand for will be internationally successful. What is more, I am personally very happy to partner with a company based in Lohja, because my family has been enjoying the summers by Lake Lohjanjärvi for almost 140 years, states Roleff Kråkström, Managing Director of Moomin Characters Oy Ltd.
Leena Lundell, Chairperson, Aulis Lundell Oy, +358 44 522 3054,
Jukka Suutari, Managing Director, Aulis Lundell Oy, +358 40 530 3212,
Roleff Kråkström, Managing Director, Moomin Characters Oy Ltd,
About Aulis Lundell Oy
Aulis Lundell Oy
Using internationally patented UltraSteel® technology, Aulis Lundell Oy has been producing roll formed steel profiles for the construction industry since 1980. The steel profiles’ extraordinary technical properties and the expertise of the leading roll-forming manufacturer have enabled an extensive range of light and durable product families.
Lundell’s trademarks include Liune® (gliding door concept, steel profile structures for partition walls and suspended ceilings), Eko-Pro (thermo profiles) as well as KOOLARI® (floor structures). In 2021, Aulis Lundell Oy’s turnover reached 11.7 million euros. The company operates in Finland and Scandinavia, and the factory in Lohja, Finland, employs 50 steel professionals.
Moomin Characters Oy Ltd
Moomin Characters Oy Ltd is the official copyright holder of Moomin characters. All Moomin Valley characters are worldwide registered trademarks. The Moomins are one of Finland's biggest export products, and they have a worldwide fan audience. Tove Jansson (1914–2001) wrote and illustrated several Moomin novels and hundreds of cartoons between 1945 and 1980. Tove Jansson founded Moomin Characters Oy Ltd in the 1950s together with her brother Lars Jansson to take care of the Moomin characters' copyrights, and it is still a family business. Rights and Brands is the company's worldwide agent in licensing matters.
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