DNA and Aiva Mobile bring solution for voice traffic between Finland and Russia

This December, DNA and Russian operator Aiva Mobile introduce a unique prepaid sub-scription, bringing inexpensive calls between Finland and Russia. The service is first of its kind in Finland.

The prepaid subscription is a single SIM card with both DNA Double Prepaid and Aiva Mobile Finland subscriptions. The correct subscription is automatically activated based on the available network. The DNA subscription is used in Finland and when going to Russia, Aiva Mobile automatically becomes the operator. Aiva Mobile is the first Russian Full-MVNO carrier, belonging to JSC Multiregional TransitTelecom. The subscription is equipped with automatic, free-of-charge call forwarding which ensures that the user can always be reached from both numbers regardless of their whereabouts – without having to pay any roaming charges for the calls they receive or dealing with a SIM card change. Outbound calls from Finland to Russia are even cheaper than European roaming prices: EUR 0.07/minute + mobile call rates.

The prepaid subscription is targeted at people who frequently visit both Finland and Russia, or make frequent calls between the two countries. 

“We want to serve our customers even better and the ease of use with this subscription is second to none. We are always on the lookout for solutions to call traffic between countries. We find this an interesting new business perspective, as we already have an existing target market among Russian people living in Finland. We are also preparing for the turn of the year when Russian tourists travel to Finland”, says Cedric Kamtsan, Business Director at DNA.

”The Double Prepaid makes for great call savings. For example, if a Russian living in Finland makes weekly 30 minute calls to Russian mobile networks, he can save even 70 € per month. In addition, he can be reached in both countries in both numbers without roaming fees for receiving calls”, Kamtsan continues.

“This is a great product that we are certain will be in high demand in both Finland and Russia, thanks to its unique selling point of being a robust, innovative trans-border mobile solution for travelers, commuters and businessmen alike. Partnership with one of Finland’s leading mobile carriers creates an international aspect for MTT. We are committed to providing the best mobile experience to our subscribers and with the support of DNA will continue to add features and develop our joint product”, says Janne Timonen, CEO of MTT Ltd (MTT’s Finnish subsidiary).

DNA Double Prepaid will be sold in Finland by DNA Stores and in separately announced sales points during high season. According to Russian law on identity verification, subscription buyers must present a passport as proof of identity in Finland. In Russia, the Aiva Mobile Finland subscription will be sold by representatives of MTT. The two subscriptions will have separate balances, customer service as well as terms and conditions and instructions. Data packages can also be purchased separately.


Further information for the media:

DNA Corporate Communications, tel. +358 (0)44 044 8000, viestinta@dna.fi

Janne Timonen, CEO, Multiregional TransitTelecom Oy, tel. +358 (0)50 40 10315, jtimonen@mtt.ru



About DNA Oyj

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01044 DNA

DNA Ltd is a Finnish telecommunications group providing high-quality voice, data and TV services for communication, entertainment and working. DNA is Finland’s largest cable operator and the leading pay TV provider in both the cable and terrestrial networks. For DNA, the key area for growth in the Corporate Business is the new way of working, independent of time and place, facilitated by smart mobile devices, diverse communication services and rapid connections. In 2014, DNA recorded a turnover of EUR 831.5 million and an operating profit of EUR 25.6 million. DNA Ltd has more than 3.5 million mobile communications and fixed network customer subscriptions. The Group also includes DNA Store, Finland’s largest retail chain selling mobile phones. For more information, please visit www.dna.fi, Twitter @DNA_fi and Facebook. DNA Store is Finland’s most extensive retailer of mobile phones, other mobile devices and mobile subscriptions, with a chain of more than 70 outlets. DNA Store’s offering also includes TV and broadband services and the related terminal devices. The chain is part of the DNA Group, whose turnover was EUR 833.5 million and profit EUR 27.6 million in 2014. DNA has more than 3.5 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. For more infor-mation, visit www.dna.fi and follow us on Twitter @DNA_fi and Facebook. Aiva Mobile is the first Russian Full-MVNO carrier created by JSC “Multiregional TransitTelecom” (MTT) that utilizes only the base station infrastructure from the donor operator, while maintaining control of all other essential technical facul-ties. МТТ also operates the traffic transit for the carrier and handles the numeration of Aiva Mobile. Aiva Mobile’s donor carrier in Russia is JSC “Mobile TeleSystems” (MTS).

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