
Hydrogen industry featured at Teknologia 23

Finland expects to see large-scale investments in the hydrogen industry in the coming years. Hydrogen technology offers solutions for, for example, switching over to carbon-neutral energy production and accelerating the green transition. Hydrogen will also be discussed at the Teknologia 23 event to be held at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre from 7 to 9 November.
Teknologia 23 event will be held at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre from 7 to 9 November.
Teknologia 23 event will be held at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre from 7 to 9 November.

Hydrogen has been selected as one of the four key topics of discussion at Teknologia 23, along with the green transition, supply networks, and artificial intelligence. The hydrogen industry will be explored from different perspectives at the event.

“Hydrogen can be used to reduce industrial emissions. This enables industry to reduce its carbon footprint and increase its carbon handprint. Hydrogen-related projects are already underway, with an increasing number projected for the future. Hydrogen can significantly boost, for example, industrial exports in the future”, says the hydrogen expert and founder of Hycamite, Matti Malkamäki.

Hydrogen is a topical issue in industry, and its societal importance is also growing. However, hydrogen is not a completely new topic.

“Hydrogen has been used in Finnish industry since the 1910s. With the green transition, its importance has recently increased, as the reduction of industrial emissions has become a matter of priority. The potential of hydrogen has also been noticed in political decision-making, and the programme of the new government of Finland, for example, includes many positive items on hydrogen”, says Malkamäki.

Malkamäki will give a speech entitled “The hydrogen revolution – what opportunities does it give us?“ at the Teknologia 23 event on Wednesday 8 November. Hydrogen will also be featured at the Teknologia 23 event as its own thematic area.

Teknologia 23 to highlight innovators and future employees

In addition to the programme on key topics and other current phenomena in the technology industry, the Teknologia 23 event will include two competitions seeking industrial innovations, with a focus on start-ups and robotics.

The purpose of the start-up competition, now being held for the third time, is to highlight new and significant solutions in the field of technology, and the prize can be awarded, for example, for a significant, creative and innovative technological solution. Competition entries can be submitted on the event website until 31 August 2023. The €10,000 prize for the winner will be donated by the Finnish Fair Foundation.

The Amazing Robots competition, in turn, is targeted at university students, and its purpose is to increase the visibility and appeal of information technology, robotics and artificial intelligence. The competition brief is to create a robot that does something interesting, and it is the task of the teams to specify what makes their robot interesting. The winner of this competition will also receive a €10,000 prize. Registration for the competition is through the event website.

The Employer of the Future theme day, also targeted at students, will be held on the first day of the event, on 7 November. On this day, students from different universities will be invited to the event to explore job opportunities in the field. The theme day is an important opportunity for exhibiting companies to provide information about existing and future jobs in the sector.

In addition to the varied programme and competitions, the event will feature an extensive exhibition, with nearly 400 exhibitors in the field participating. Teknologia 23 will culminate in an evening event on Wednesday 8 November. The full programme of the event will be published in August at

Fore more information:

Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, Communications Specialist Antti Karjunen, tel. +358 50 574 3444,

Teknologia 23 – Transforming The Industrial Landscape | The event will be held at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (Messukeskus) from 7 to 9 November 2023, concurrently with the Cyber Security Nordic event. The event covers several areas, including automation, electronics, energy, hydraulics and pneumatics, mechanical engineering, maintenance, robotics, ICT, and 3D. #Teknologia2023




Teknologia 23 event will be held at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre from 7 to 9 November.
Teknologia 23 event will be held at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre from 7 to 9 November.

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Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (brand name Messukeskus) hosts Finland’s most inspiring events and exciting encounters. We create successful and lasting interactions with undisputable results. As Finland’s premier experience provider, we organise high-quality events and rent out our facilities for various occasions. Events produced by Messukeskus include, among others, Habitare, the Helsinki Book Fair, Educa, Finnbuild, Matka Nordic Travel Fair, and Helsinki International Boat Show. Messukeskus also hosts guest events such as Slush, Nordic Business Forum, Assembly, International Dog Fair, as well as many international congress and business events every year. Our premises include 7 halls, 40 convertible meeting rooms, 21 restaurants, and our own hotel.The Finnish Fair Corporation was founded in 1919. |  Messukeskus. The real social media | @messukeskus 

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