Forest Academy

MEDIA INVITATION: Role of forests in climate change: New initiative to combat climate change to be announced at EU Forest Academy – presented by Minister Leppä, 21 November

The first Forest Academy for EU Decision Makers will be organized jointly by Finland and Sweden on 21 to 23 November 2018. Finnish Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Jari Leppä and his Swedish colleague Sven-Erik Bucht will speak on forest-based bioeconomy and the significance of forests in tackling climate change at a news conference held at the opening of the Forest Academy on Wednesday, 21 November in Asikkala.
The Forest Academy targeted to EU decision makers aims to stimulate discussion on the potential of forests to provide solutions to global challenges. Announcement of a new initiative related to tackling the climate change is expected at the opening of the event.
The Forest Academy targeted to EU decision makers aims to stimulate discussion on the potential of forests to provide solutions to global challenges. Announcement of a new initiative related to tackling the climate change is expected at the opening of the event.

Media Invitation 19 November 2018

With the recent report of the International Panel for Climate Change, IPCC, the world has become keenly aware of the threat from the climate change. Failing rapid action, the average temperature of Earth is threatening to rise to a level that will have disastrous consequences for the whole of humankind.

As leading forestry countries, Finland and Sweden hold a key position in many respects in both the EU and the world. Forests are the world's largest carbon sink, which, according to IPCC recommendations, must receive particular attention. On the other hand, forest destruction causes nearly 10 percent of the total carbon dioxide emissions. Forests are being destroyed at an alarming rate: during the first two decades of this millennium alone, the area of forests has decreased by over 8 percent from the 2000 figure.

The first Forest Academy for EU Decision Makers, organized by Finland and Sweden, provides a comprehensive overview of the potential of forests and timber in combating the climate change, and as a source of products to replace plastic and of design innovations, etc. The first Academy, organized in Finland, will be attended by some thirty high-profile experts and persons of international influence within the EU.

At the opening of the Forest Academy, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Jari Leppä will announce Finland's new initiative to boost international efforts towards combating the climate change.

The media are welcome to attend the opening of the Forest Academy on Wednesday, 21 November 2018 at 18.00, held at Lehmonkärki, Asikkala (Lehmonkärjentie 180, Asikkala). Lehmonkärki is situated about 35 kilometres from Lahti. Interpreting between Finnish, English and Swedish will be available.


18:00 Start of the event in Villa Vellamo at Lehmonkärki, coffee

  • Introduction: Director Elina Antila, Forest Academy for Decision Makers, Finnish Forest Association; and Peter Blombäck, Head of the Policy and Analysis Division, Swedish Forest Agency
  • Video greeting from the European Commission: Vice-President Jyrki Katainen, European Commission
  • Opening of the Forest Academy for Decision Makers. Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Jari Leppä and Minister for Rural Affairs Sven-Erik Bucht
  • A Forest of Futures. Howy Jacobs, Professor of Molecular Biology, University of Tampere
  • Questions from the media and discussion

19:30 Closing of news conference

Transport to the event is arranged from Helsinki city centre and Lahti. Please indicate when registering if you wish to use the transport. Driving directions: 

The media will be able to interview the Ministers at the close of the event. A video greeting from Jyrki Katainen, Vice President of the European Commission, will be presented during the event. A presentation will be given by Howy Jacobs, Professor of Molecular Biology at the University ofTampere.

Representatives of the media are welcome!

The Forest Academy for EU Decision Makers is a high-profile discussion forum convened by the Prime Ministers of Finland and Sweden, to enable persons of influence within the EU to receive the latest information on the potential of the sustainable use of forests. Over the course of more than 20 years, some 1,500 Finnish decision-makers have attended Forest Academy events to learn about important current topics related to forests. The body in charge of the event is the Finnish Forest Association.


Additional information:

Elina Antila, Director, Forest Academy for Decision Makers, Finnish Forest Association, +358 50 351 2411,

Teppo Säkkinen, Special Adviser to the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, +358 50 516 2868,

Media registrations:

Mikko Norros, Hopiasepät Oy, +358 40 547 6280,

Event webpages:



The Forest Academy targeted to EU decision makers aims to stimulate discussion on the potential of forests to provide solutions to global challenges. Announcement of a new initiative related to tackling the climate change is expected at the opening of the event.
The Forest Academy targeted to EU decision makers aims to stimulate discussion on the potential of forests to provide solutions to global challenges. Announcement of a new initiative related to tackling the climate change is expected at the opening of the event.

About Forest Academy

The Forest Academy for Decision Makers is an information and discussion forum for decision makers and other influential persons in society. Its aims are to stimulate the interest of influential persons in forest issues, to enhance their level of information on forests, and to forge interaction between experts in the forest sector and other fields. The body in charge of organizing the Forest Academy is the Finnish Forest Association.

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