Medicortex Finland Oyj

Medicortex launches a fundraising campaign

Medicortex Finland Plc, a biopharmaceutical company focusing on the development of diagnostics and drug treatment for mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), today 1 July 2022 announced that it will start a fundraising, allowing investors to invest at the price of 0.50 euro per share which was offered in the cancelled initial public offering (IPO) of the company.

“I like to thank all 458 new investors that believed in the company. This fundraising round gives private investors a new chance to be part of the success. In the coming months, Medicortex will focus on developing the test kit with the help of the US DoD grant currently under negotiation. Once we reach a significant milestone and the market will be more favorable, we will consider a new application for public trading.” comments Dr. Adrian Harel, CEO.

In order to fund the development operations, the company will give all investors the opportunity to subscribe to equity shares for the campaign price of 0.50 euros per share. This campaign will be open until 18 July 2022.

Additional information and terms and conditions, as well as the company’s slideshow presentation, executive summary, and a subscription agreement are available on company’s website:




About Medicortex Finland Oyj

Medicortex Finland Oyj
Medicortex Finland Oyj
Itäinen Pitkäkatu 4 B
20520 TURKU

Medicortex Finland Oyj (Plc) is a biotechnology company dedicated to improving the diagnostics and treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Its current focus is on developing biomarker diagnostics to detect brain injury easily. The company has technology to capture biomarkers from urine and saliva and capability to develop an affordable diagnostic tool to detect biomarkers. Company's second goal is to develop new compounds to serve as drug candidates to halt progression of brain injury and reduce the secondary degeneration. Medicortex was founded by an Israeli Neurobiologist Adrian Harel (PhD, MBA) and the company is based in Turku, Finland.

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