Ulkoministeriö / Utrikesministeriet

MFA: Foreign Ministry focuses on Africa at the World Circular Economy Forum 2019

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs will attend the World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) 2019, organised by the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. At a discussion session organised by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the African Development Bank on Monday 3 June, speakers will include Vincent Biruta, Minister of the Environment of Rwanda, and Anthony Nyong, Head of Climate Change and Green Growth at the African Development Bank.

The Ministry considers it important that Africa be kept in the spotlight at the WCEF. Africa’s population growth and expanding economies mean that the continent needs work and jobs. The implementation of the principles of circular economy offers plenty of opportunities for sustainable economic growth in Africa.

Dozens of African representatives from different parts of the continent will attend the World Circular Economy Forum. The companies attending the event will represent innovative and commercially viable African expertise in circular economy. For circular economy experts, the WCEF will provide a place for networking and sharing experiences.

Circular economy offers opportunities also for cooperation between Finnish cleantech companies and their African partners.

Partnership with Africa and fight against climate change are included among the priorities of Finland’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which will start in July.

Circular economy is one of the means to achieve the goals agreed on in the Paris Agreement on climate change and to implement the UN sustainable development goals (SDG).

The Circular economy in Africa session will be organised on 3 June at 14.30–16.00. Live streaming of the event will be available.

See the website of Sitra for more information about the session and the speakers.

Inquiries: Juha Savolainen, Director of the Unit for Southern and Western Africa, tel. +358 295 351 508, Malena Sell, Commercial Secretary, tel. +358 295 351 860 

The Foreign Ministry's email addresses are of the format firstname.lastname@formin.fi.



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