MFA: The Ministry for Foreign Affairs campaigns against migrant smuggling
Press release 140/2016
28 July 2016
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs campaigns against migrant smuggling
The Foreign Ministry has launched a campaign against human smuggling and trafficking. The campaign is primarily targeted at potential victims of organised migrant smuggling.
The intention is, in particular, to call attention to the risks, victims and dramatic extent of migrant smuggling. According to Europol, nearly 40,000 smugglers are active around the world. The smugglers' annual turnover is estimated to be EUR 5 billion. Every year, thousands of people go missing and die on their travels organised by human smugglers. Many of the victims are also lured into forced labour or end up as victims of human trafficking.
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs lobbies the theme on social media channels by means of posting videos and briefings. You can follow the campaign using hashtags #stopsmugglers and #stoptraffickers. The campaign website at will be opened in four languages today on 28 July.
The three-month campaign also expresses support to the UN's World Day against Trafficking in Persons on 30 July and a corresponding day in the EU at the end of October.
Additional information: Communications Coordinator Rim Mezian, Current Affairs, Department for Communications, tel. +358 295 351 905
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