The new Buster S can be converted for angling by adding on the modular fishing accessories package

“In the Buster S together with the optional fishing accessories package, you have a boat that is truly well suited for fishing, particularly casting and vertical jigging, in sheltered inland waters,” says Jani Ollikainen, a fishing guide who participated in the development of the new accessories package.
The Buster S’s fishing accessories package features a rod box, a casting platform with a fishing seat and a rack for the trolling motor. Furthermore, for the tiller-steered Buster S model, there is also an engine gauge panel available for mounting on the side of the rod box.
Some of the equipment, such as the rod box, can also be acquired separately. The same accessories can be used not only with the tiller-steered version but also the side console and centre console versions of the Buster S. The equipment can also be removed when changing the use of the boat.
The new Buster S along with the fishing accessories package is available for a closer look at the Helsinki International Boat Show at the stand 2e48. Fishing guide Jani Ollikainen will be there to present the boat throughout the event. The boat show will be open for public between 10 and 19 February 2017.
A handier rod box with more space available
“The spacious new rod box is easy to use and a truly solid piece of equipment. Pike fishers, for example, most commonly use rods that are 8.5 feet long, and you can easily fit 5-6 such sets including the reels in the box. It is easy to line up the rods on the casting platform for fishing,” Ollikainen explains.
The rod box provides practical additional storage space for other gear as well, which comes in handy during the trip to the cabin and back, for example.
Casting platform adds to comfort and provides extra space
The good-sized casting platform provides fishermen with elevated deck space to improve visibility and facilitate angling. Under the casting platform there is ample storage space for camping gear and fishing tackle to keep them out of the way during the action. The storage compartments are accessed via two large hatches positioned at the rear end of the casting platform.
The front end of the casting platform houses not only the bow box that comes as standard in the Buster S but also a separate storage compartment for boating gear such as anchors and fenders. The casting platform features a removable fishing seat.
In addition to the casting platform, there will also be ample space on the boat’s deck for anglers to move around on.
The trolling motor rack, mounted slightly to the side of the boat's centre line, will leave plenty of tread area on the bow deck to facilitate access to the boat. Additionally, on the outside of the rack there is also a new mounting place for a rope cleat, so as to protect not just the rope cleat but also the trolling motor.
Light and easy to haul
The Buster S only weighs 260 kg and is easy to haul behind a car on a non-braked trailer. You can opt for a smaller outboard engine model rated at 20 hp, in which case you do not need to register the boat in Finland. However, the boat works best with a slightly bigger powerhouse: Yamaha’s new 25-hp or 30-hp outboard engine.
“The Buster S is a great little boat for a fishing party of 2–3 people and an easy one to haul on a trailer. Small outboard engines boast small fuel consumption, and the complete package is a highly practical one. The small trolling motor is handy and easy to use when moving through reeds where pikes can be found and when manoeuvring around rocks,” Ollikainen says.
The Buster S is available in three versions: the S that is tiller-steered on the aft seat; the S1 with a side console; and the Scc with a centre console.
The fishing accessories package can be retrofitted to all Buster S versions of the 2017 model year.
Recommended prices (inclusive of VAT) in Finland:
- Rod box (for 5–6 rods 8.5 feet in length): 590 euros + mounting costs
- Casting platform and removable fishing seat: 895 euros + mounting costs
- Rack for trolling motor 130 euros + mounting costs
- Gauge panel for the outboard engine’s LAN multi-function gauge: 65 euros + mounting costs
Buster S 2017
• Length 4,43 m
• Beam 1,81 m
• Number of persons 4
• Power range 20–30 hv
Anders KurténDirector, Product Development and Marketing
Tel:+358 50 327 1272anders.kurten@busterboats.comImages

About Buster Boats
Buster Boats is the largest designer and manufacturer of aluminium boats in Europe. The majority of the more than 130,000 aluminium boats we have launched on the world’s waters over the past over 60 years are still in use.
Boats carrying the Buster name have been produced since 1976, but Buster’s history began with the first Kello aluminium boat manufactured in 1955.
The Buster range includes 24 boats, of which the under four-metre Buster Mini and the almost ten-metre Buster Phantom are the smallest and largest, respectively. More than half of all boats manufactured are exported.
The manufacturer of Buster boats, Inha Works Ltd, is a subsidiary of Yamaha Motor Europe. Buster Boats boat production is located in Ähtäri, Finland while the company's headquarters and R&D facilities are located in Raisio, southern Finland.
Buster Boats on Euroopan suurin alumiiniveneiden suunnittelija ja valmistaja. Maailman vesille yli 60 vuoden aikana laskemistamme yli 130 000 alumiiniveneestä suurin osa on edelleen käytössä.
Buster-nimellä veneitä on valmistettu vuodesta 1976 alkaen, mutta Busterin historia alkoi jo vuonna 1955 valmistetuista, suomalaisen alumiiniveneteollisuuden aloittaneista Kello-veneistä.
Buster-mallistoon kuuluu 24 venettä, joista pienin on alle nelimetrinen Buster Mini ja suurin lähes kymmenmetrinen Buster Phantom. Tuotannosta yli puolet menee vientiin.
Buster-veneiden valmistaja, Inhan Tehtaat Oy Ab, on Yamaha Motor Europen tytäryhtiö. Yhtiön pääkonttori sekä tuotekehitystoiminnot sijaitsevat Raisiossa ja tuotanto Ähtärissä.
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